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Accepted Solution
Changing Service Address
My service address is incorrect, but I can find no way of changing it.
Customer Service
Accepted Solution
PTR Request
I need to get a PTR record set up. I tried last week to just send a PM with my info to Comcast_Joseph without posting here, but that doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. So who do I need to PM to get this done?
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
Stuck on verify domain owndership
Verify domain ownershipCome back to your Comcast Business online accountGo to Manage Websites Find the domain with the pending transferSelect "Verify domain ownership" Steps one and two have been completed. Now waiting on step 3 and have no idea how to get this to go thru.
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
PTR Record
Jacob, I need to have A PRT record added. Who do I contact to make this happen? Thank you
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
Cisco DPC 3939B on an existing network
I have just moved from Comcast Residential to comcast Business. The business installation is complete and the service is on. I have an existing home - home office ethernet network with Newest Apple Router which I like verymuch and I would like to continue to use it in future. As a part of business c
Accepted Solution
transferring Domain Name and users from one account to another
What is the best way yo move a domain name from one businessclass account to another? I also need to move the email users with that url to the other account. Who would be the best support group to help me accomplish this? I would prefer not to have to delete all the users then cancel the domain name
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
100/20 Upload speed cut in half, sometime even worse
I have the same issue discussed in this thread. 50% reduction of upload capacity in our 100/20 connection (the reduction seems to be worse on the weekends though). Checked
Accepted Solution
Problem on the pole?
Hello, I am having an issue where our business connection will drop every few days for a few minutes and then come back up. I've checked all of the connections and they are all tight. When I monitor the modem's gateway summary > cable modem screen I notice that the downstream power level will start
Accepted Solution
Exchange server only
I have several domains registered and hosted on GoDaddy. I'm not interested in moving them to Comcast but I want to host my email here. I have read in a few places in the faq's that make me think it's possible, but most of those faq's seem to indicate I'll have to move the domain. Is it possible
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
PTR Record for Reverse DNS Lookup
Hello, I am in the process of changing our primary domain name. I need our PTR recorded updated for IP address: which is currently set to to Thank you, James
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
Endless Latency Issues with no help.
Hello, I'm hoping this will be the way in which someone finally helps with an ongoing issue. For the last month, we've been experincing phases of extreme latency, resulting in slow internet and even in some cases, interent dropping. I've checked everything on our network end, nothing indicates as a
Accepted Solution
What is my router's password?
I am trying to set up a Verizon cell phone extender and they think there are firewall issues. How can I get get to the IP and firewall inf?. I do not have the password.
Accepted Solution
Hotspot setup
How do I setup up the Hotspot option on my Business internet.
Customer Service
Accepted Solution
Outgoing calls double ring
When we make outgoing calls, we hear 2 rings on the other end. Sometimes when someone picks up, the call quality isn't very good. If the number we're calling happens to be disconnected, there is still ringing going on while the "this number is disconnected" message is playing. I guess we're still
Business Voice
Accepted Solution
Reverse DNS request
I just switched one of my accounts over to Comcast Internet with static IP and need to have revese DNS setup for their mailserver. They are getting bouce backs when trying to send to numerous email accounts.
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
Where is Selective Call Rejection?
Went to block a number today on our Business Voice Portal, and I can't find the Selective Call Rejection option I've used so many times in the past. Has it moved and I'm overlooking it, or is it gone?
Business Voice
Accepted Solution
Continued Billing for Discontinued Services - Why??
Comcast digital voice service was voluntarily cancelled & modem turned-in on 06/06/2014. Still have & using Comcast HS internet. Have made 3 telephonic efforts with Business Services to get charges for digital voice service cancelled/removed from my bills continuing thru bill date 9/14/14. Have also
Customer Service
Accepted Solution
Not getting contracted 27/7
I have had my service for about 2 weeks and have yet to achieve 27Mbps DL. I have spoken to 2 techs through on the phone and a tech was sent to my house today and he could find nothing wrong with the modem or the line. My upload Speeds are almost always higher than my DL speeds which are averaging
Accepted Solution
WHOIS update for static IP address
We have a /28 block of static IP addresses on our Comcast Business account. I'd like to get things set up such that when one does a WHOIS lookup on these, our company's information is returned.Currently, the lookup returns generic Comcast information. Our DNS is hosted elsewhere (Network Solutions)
Domain Names/Static IP
Accepted Solution
no phone service - no answers - no tech here - no way to remote forward calls???
My butsiness phone and internet went down yesterday as part of a service outage. Internet came back, not phone. An hour on the phone yesterday got me nothing except a report that the problem in on Comcast's end, and a tech would be out at 9 AM today to fix it. Nothing. at 10:30, began trying to