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September 22nd, 2015

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commented on 's post

8 years ago

I added a new user to the domain, and I cannot log in as this user in OUTLOOK web access. Can also not set up Outlook 2010 at workstation. Password fails. I can get logged in at the, but cannot get to email. What should I do? Thanks for

more than 48 hours have gone by, and my user cannot login. I cannot edit the user, I cannot delete him. Cannot change the password. There are buttons missing on the user in the admin dashboard (edit, delete, etc).Are there helpers reading these threa

commented on 's post

8 years ago

I added a new user to the domain, and I cannot log in as this user in OUTLOOK web access. Can also not set up Outlook 2010 at workstation. Password fails. I can get logged in at the, but cannot get to email. What should I do? Thanks for

18 hours have gone by, and my user cannot login. I cannot edit the user, I cannot delete him. Cannot change the password. There are buttons missing on the user in the admin dashboard (edit, delete, etc).Are there helpers reading these threads?

posted a question

October 17, 2016

8 years ago

I added a new user to the domain, and I cannot log in as this user in OUTLOOK web access. Can also not set up Outlook 2010 at workstation. Password fails. I can get logged in at the, but cannot get to email. What should I do? Thanks for

posted a question

February 12, 2016

9 years ago

Using Outlook 2010 to get connected to Comcast Exchange, we are getting the Invalid Cerificate error.Seems to be on server "w14d" domainWebmail apears to be fine, but not Outlook.Any thoughts or ETA on fixing the cert? THanks!rickvv(link to snapshot of error box here)

commented on 's post

10 years ago

Good afternoon, I am having a similar issue with one mail box ( not recieving email from one of my other users ( See bounce back below. The jennifers address was deactiviated for a time then reactivated. All other users are normal and jennifers recieved mai

You might want to send a private message to Comcast_jon.They Might be able to help behind the scenes.This is a customer-to-customer board, but there are some comcast folks who monitor it. One thing to look at:Instead of letting the "autofill" functio

commented on 's post

10 years ago

Hi-I've gotten halfway through the Bring Domain. On the Comcast end, we've added the domain to bring, and were sent to the Cjhange the CNAME alias.The Alias that I have been given is a 3, then a space, then another 3 ( no dash, no other symbol, just 3 3).Here's a snapshot My current DNS provider at

Thanks John.They escalated the issue, and discovered that indeed Comcast had generated a bad alias.(3-space-3). i DID try deleting the process to start over, but got the same alias.But after the escalate, they got domain brought over, and I was able

commented on 's post

10 years ago

Hi-I've gotten halfway through the Bring Domain. On the Comcast end, we've added the domain to bring, and were sent to the Cjhange the CNAME alias.The Alias that I have been given is a 3, then a space, then another 3 ( no dash, no other symbol, just 3 3).Here's a snapshot My current DNS provider at

Nobody have any ideas?I did open a ticket on Tuesday 1-=March at 11AM CDT.Still have no response, plus the 'source alias' is still the invalid characters (3-space-3).(this whole transfer started Thursday or Friday sometime.Thanks

commented on 's post

10 years ago

this is b/s i cant get my emails, this is comcast problem  all i get is run around and always someone else problem  comcast support Ha what support??

My guess is that you do have a Comcast account, and those messages are being delivered ito that mailbox, and will be there when things get straightened out. I ran a check on and it looks like your DNS (MAX and Mail server)records are poi

commented on 's post

10 years ago

this is b/s i cant get my emails, this is comcast problem  all i get is run around and always someone else problem  comcast support Ha what support??

I have had situations that are very frustrating, but there wil be a solution.What happens if you send an email to the "missing" mailbox? If it doesn't bounce, then it seems like it's getting delivered somewhere.The Level II and Level III support are

posted a question

March 6, 2015

10 years ago

Hi-I've gotten halfway through the Bring Domain. On the Comcast end, we've added the domain to bring, and were sent to the Cjhange the CNAME alias.The Alias that I have been given is a 3, then a space, then another 3 ( no dash, no other symbol, just 3 3).Here's a snapshot My current DNS provider at