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Thursday, March 28th, 2024 9:56 PM

I am also being blocked (not by Comcast) but by UCEPROTECTL2 blacklist

My email with is working fine.  But for some reason UCEPROTECT has decided to block all (at least every address I've tested) the entire subnet, which unfortunately includes my little /28 subnet.  I've contacted, as best I can, UCEPROTECTL2 and their only offerring is for me to send them about $25 a month to be removed from the list (less per month if I go 1 or 2 year plans.)  It's a protection racket!

The information they report about my block (which EXPLICITELY states that it wasn't *MY* address causing the blacklist) is that there are only a few thousand instances that triggered the block (in an IP block with a little over 8 milliion IP addresses.)

I've contacted some helpful *real* people at Comcast, and they are working on the issue, but was wondering if anyone here has resolved this issue without paying the blackmail to UCEPROTECT.

Official Solution

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9 Messages

11 months ago

@aerodesic We appreciate the information, but I would also recommend to reach out to UCEPROTECT to see if they will unblock from their end since they are the ones that did it. My team is here if you should need any further assistance. 

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Official Employee


25 Messages

11 months ago

Hi @aerodesic Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Business Forums. We would recommend reporting to Xfinity-Service Policy Assurance. We are happy to hear you are receiving some help in progress already, this link may provide additional assistance to you. 

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I would, but the options available do not include "I cannot send email to others sites."  I am definitely able to send to addresses without any problem.  I should point out that after reaching out to the specific site that was not accepting my email (a large university) the problem is currently 'solved.'  The UCEPROTECT site still claims a few thousand comcast IP addresses as being blocked (I could include the list here, but it's several hundred lines, so I will only do so if asked.)  UCEPROTECT may be doing a useful 'service' by noting 'communities' of bad actors, but the finger is really pointing to Comcast for not regulating their customers mis-behaviour.

Although I do believe UCEPROTECT has fairly low standards as to what constitutes 'abuse' and grouping multiples in specific  ARIN block subnets means for any reasonable large subnet, such is the I am in, it encompasses more then 8 million IP address.  They seem to be triggering their 'abuse' status as less than 0.1% of the total users in that block alone.

I know this SPAM problem is difficult to resolve and I believe Comcast is doing a pretty good job of getting it mostly right.  I ssee the periodic notices intrusions blocked and SPAM they've preventing hitting my servers and am thankful.  But, according to UCEPROTECT, a self-appointed 'protector' of our email, it's not enough.  Comcast should reach out to UCEPROTECT ensure this 0.1% of abuse doesn't cause the other 99.9% (such as me) to have problems.

Official Employee


9 Messages

@aerodesic We appreciate the information, but I would also recommend to reach out to UCEPROTECT to see if they will unblock from their end since they are the ones that did it. My team is here if you should need any further assistance. 

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@Comcast_Janelle​ I did reach out the quality assurance (postmaster) site and files a request, per a tier2 conversation.  But FYI, I did not do this initially because the postmaster link in my rejected email from comcast, showed two black list codes: BL000100 and BL000200.  The postmaster site requested it be used *only* for code BL0000000 rejection notices.  The tier2 person who send me to the site suggested the information display on the web page was 'old' :-).  Anyway, it was posted and we'll see if it does the trick.

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Followup: checking my postfix logs, I see there have been no rejected DNSBL messages since about 5am this morning (it is not about 5pm.)  Longest stretch so far!  My postfix queues are empty and things again, purring along peacefully.  I will reach out again if things go south, but so far it looks like y'all did what needed to be done.  Thanks.

Official Employee


68 Messages


aerodesic Thanks for reaching back out to confirm. I am happy to hear it is currently working. Let us know if you have any additional issues. We are here to help! 


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11 Messages

9 months ago

This was not resolved. Click "View other replies" under the last post. The OP probably has moved on from Comcast by now because email delivery is important.