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Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 1:39 PM

RE: Comcast ACH Originator ID

Was anyone ever able to obtain Comcast's ACH Originator ID, or the third party payment processor's ACH ID?  I have been on the phone with Comcast more times than I care to count in order to setup an ACH payment since the USPS takes 15-20 days to deliver a check to their PO Box from Chicago.

This post was created from this comment on different post

Official Employee


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2 years ago

This is a great question! Please see here to set up automatic payments:


Note: If you choose to utilize a checking account, please ensure that your bank permits auto drafts from your account. If you choose to utilize a credit or debit card as your payment method, you will need to periodically review your information to ensure your credit card has not expired.

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2 years ago

Hello user_ef6581- I am having the same problem with my company's Comcast payments being snail-mailed from Chicago and Comcast online billpay has not proven to be the solution! This has been an ongoing issue since August 2022.

Comcast_Billie - bless your heart, but RIF - WE ARE BUSINESS CUSTOMERS.  BUSINESSES NEED THE 10-DIGIT COMCAST ACH ID NUMBER not the link you provided to setup billpay as though we are paying a residential bill.

Here's why businesses need those 10 digits:

Because there are ACH fraud filters in place with my company’s business bank account, I must complete a preauthorization form before an ACH can clear from a given originator (i.e., COMCAST).  This ensures that only companies I approve can request payment from my company’s bank account successfully.  As such, to set up the online bill pay and successfully pay the bill, I need Comcast's ACH originator ID, Comcast’s ACH Company ID or that of Comcast’s third-party payment processor IF Comcast outsources this service. The ID is 10 digits long. 

I have setup online bill payment for my business’s Comcast account, however, I need the correct 10 digits for the payment to actually process through my business's bank - the Tax ID provided by Comcast has been provided to me twice and was setup at the bank.  Payment was rejected which means it is not the right 10-digit number.


The correct 10-digit number that I MUST PROVIDE TO THE BANK will let them know that it is okay for Comcast to request payment from my business’s bank account.  If I do not give my bank this information, the ACH request for payment from Comcast will continue to be rejected. 


I have searched, inquired and cannot obtain this information.  It seems I am not the only one who has been unsuccessful.  Too bad the Comcast 1-800- number keeps pushing businesses to pay via online bilIpay but are not equipped to provide the 10-digit number. Comcast will need to get this information their bank or from their ACH file that processes through NACHA.


To date, no one I have been in contact with at Comcast seems to know their Comcast ACH ID 10-digit number or how to get it.  Comcast gave me the Tax ID number which I provided on the bank's preauthorization form, however payment REJECTED.    Got on the phone this week several more times, got several more people and was forwarded to voicemail - no one returned my message from the Accounts Receivable area.  Yesterday, a guy stayed on the phone with me through the 1-800 debacle of a conversation and gave me a separate claim ticket # for this issue.  Today, I received an e-mail to use the same Tax ID previously provided in October 2022 that I already had setup at the bank (and which REJECTED). 

Is there anyone in Comcast billing/corporate/A/R that can provide this information so that I can finish the bank's preauthorization form to actually pay the business bill online and not have to worry about the payment rejecting? 



11 Messages

Thanks for the clarification! I was able to locate this article for Assistance with Comcast Business Account ACH/Vendor form setup. Please let me know if this answers your question. We don't want you to have any more trouble with this.

I no longer work for Comcast.

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@OMG_help1​ Did you ever have any luck locating this information? I have gone in circles via email and the 1-800 number and no one can help. 

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