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Sunday, March 21st, 2021 8:50 PM

Is there a way to make Comcast Business move to get refund and cancel service without early termination fee other than lawsuit?

I would like Comcast Business to refund some past charges and cancel my service without early termination fee. I appreciate it if someone could advise what could be the effective action for me to take to make them actually move. Comcast Business representative promised to have their manager call me back but I never received a phone call. I know lawsuit can be an option but if there's another option that Comcast Business cannot ignore before starting that, I would like to know that option as well. For example, can reporting fraud to federal trade commission work? Please let me know if you have the experience of solving similar issue with follows. Thank you.


I originally had the following business service order agreement with my business in Indiana.

ID: 190322329341437
Service Term(Months): 24
Package Name: Starter Internet
Promotional Code: BSEE:SP_$49.95Starter_2yr_WVI
Total Cost: $49.95/month
Customer Signature Date: 03/22/2019

Then when I moved my business to another location in the same zip code, The business service order agreement was renewed as follows.

ID: 23764245
Service Term(Months): 36
Package Name:
Promotional Code:
Total Cost: $69.95/month
Customer Signature Date: 11/09/2019

Then due to Covid-19 pandemic, I lost my client and closed my business then got hired as an employee and moved to Texas on 6/10/2020. The address I moved to has no Comcast Business service per Comcast Business representative but they put $1468.95 of early termination fee on "Disconnect Request Form" to cancel the service when we talked over the phone around 6/10/2020. So I did not sign it and am still paying $69.95/month as of 03/21/2021.

I was busy getting used to the new job working extra time with no payment so could not work on this issue but now that I have some time, I would like to solve this.


I consider the following 3 payments unnecessary. So I would like Comcast Business to refund 1), 2) then cancel my service without 3).

1) $20 extra charge occurred since 11/09/2019 until I moved out of Indiana on 6/10/2020. $20 x 7 month = $140
2) Monthly charge of $69.95 since I moved out of Comcast Business service area on 6/10/2020 till today 3/21/2021. $69.95 x 10 month = $699.50
3) Any early termination fee Comcast Business will impose if I request the service cancellation now.


  • The reason why I consider 1) above as unnecessary is because it was sneaked in when I moved within the same zip code even though I did not ask for any service changes. Comcast Business representative just rushed me to sign the new document sent by email without explaining what's changed over the phone.

  • The reason why I consider 3) above as unnecessary is as follows.

The service order agreements above have the following link to refer to the terms and conditions on which a PDF file "SMB TCs v 37.pdf" can be downloaded from a link named "Comcast Business Services Terms of Service for purchases on or after 4/1/2013".

From the end of page 1 of the PDF file, termination charges are defined as follows. 

  Termination Charges: Except as otherwise provided herein, charges that may be imposed by Comcast if, prior to the end of the applicable Service Term (a) Comcast terminates Services for cause or (b) Customer terminates any Service without cause.

The rational interpretation of the sentence above is that if a customer terminates a service due to a cause, termination charges should not to be imposed. So I looked for the definition of the "cause" and on page 5 of the same file, the following sentence is written at "5.2 Termination for Cause.".

  (c) A Service Order may be terminated by either party immediately upon notice if the other party has become insolvent or involved in liquidation or termination of its business, or adjudicated bankrupt, or been involved in an assignment for the benefit of its creditors.

It defines "termination of its business" as "Termination for Cause". By combining these 2 sections, customer's closing business is regarded as "Termination for Cause", therefore termination charges should not be imposed. Since I moved out of Comcast Business service area due to closing my business, it should be considered as "Termination for Cause". Therefore, termination charges should not be imposed.

  • The reason why I consider 2) as unnecessary is because I already explained the above reason of why early termination fee should not be charged in my case to Comcast Business representative over the phone several times around 6/10/2020. They first tried not to understand my point then eventually promised to have their manger call me back but I never received the phone call. If they called me as promised, the service would have been canceled at that point and charge 2) above did not occur.

Official Employee


526 Messages

4 years ago

@kenshi_okamoto Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to us through our business forums. I am truly very sorry for the delay in our response and appreciate your time and patience with us. I am so sorry to hear that your business had to close due to this terrible virus.I have several friends that are still looking for jobs after their business had to close so I can truly understand the impact to your life having to close down your livelihood. I would love to dig further into your concerns. Can you please reach out through private message with your first and last name, business service address and account number or phone number? 

New Contributor


11 Messages

4 years ago


Thank you for your response. If we should communicate in private, please let me know how to do that or send me a message so that I can reply. I tried the following but could not send a message to you.

When I put your name "Comcast_Michelle" on "To: Type the name of a perso" section of the following page, it says "No results found".

When I put "Comcast_Mi" instead, I can see "Comcast_Michael" but not "Comcast_Michelle". I followed your account then retried but the same result. However, "Comcast_Michael" shows up when I type "@Comcast_Mi" on this editor of the message board. So it seems something is not enabled to send a private message from me to you.

Problem solver


43 Messages

Our apologies, ! To get the ball rolling on sending us a private message, please select the “chat” icon on the top right side of our page and then using our singular Comcast Business handle (not an agent name) to get started. Once you have started a chat message, please provide your name and service address as it appears on your monthly billing statements. Thanks again for both your time and patience throughout this process!


I no longer actively support the Comcast Business Forum

New Contributor


11 Messages

4 years ago


I don't find "Xfinity Support" or "Xfinity". Only XfinityLive shows up as follows. Is this the one you would like me to contact for my Comcast Business account case?

I can also find "Comcast Business" as follows. Please let me know which one to contact.

Official Employee


71 Messages

Thank you so much for that information and I apologize for the confusion! You would need to send that Private Message to "Comcast Business" and provide your full name, business name, and full address. We look forward to assisting you with your account today!

Official Employee


227 Messages

It looks like you have attempted to post some personal information in our public forum. We have suppressed that information to keep your personal data private. Please review our Forum Guidelines below for additional information as to the type of information we want to help you protect:

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11 Messages


Thank you for confirming. Since I don't have time today, I'll contact them tomorrow or later.

@Comcast Business 

There's no private information on my previous comment. I believe it's some automatic response to uploaded images. But if my previous post is made private, the other forum members who refer to this page and try to contact "Xfinity Support" for Comcast Business account cases will be confused because they cannot know that "Comcast Business" is the right contact. Please double check.

Official Employee


227 Messages

It looks like you have attempted to post some personal information in our public forum. We have suppressed that information to keep your personal data private. Please review our Forum Guidelines below for additional information as to the type of information we want to help you protect:

Official Employee


227 Messages

It looks like you have attempted to post some personal information in our public forum. We have suppressed that information to keep your personal data private. Please review our Forum Guidelines below for additional information as to the type of information we want to help you protect:

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11 Messages

4 years ago

Sharing the private posts on this page in which I was suggested to contact "Comcast Business" by Comcast_Jeniece. My posts were made private probably because I used "at mark" and it's recognized as an email address or something. No personal information is posted like the comments by "Comcast Business" below.

New Contributor


11 Messages

4 years ago

Any information to my following original question to Comcast Business users including former users would still be very much appreciated. Thank you.

I know lawsuit can be an option but if there's another option that Comcast Business cannot ignore before starting that, I would like to know that option as well. For example, can reporting fraud to federal trade commission work? Please let me know if you have the experience of solving similar issue with follows. Thank you.

New Contributor


11 Messages

4 years ago

I'm sharing the posts on this page which are made "private"(invisible to public) by Comcast Business as a png file.


New Contributor


1 Message

4 years ago

Kenshi_o did they ever resolve this? I have been a customer for over 28 years and we are moving. They don’t offer service in our new location and they keep telling me I have to pay the termination fee. [Edited: "Language"] If I could transfer it I would in a heartbeat but I have no choice. 😡


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11 Messages

4 years ago

Hello user_df8026. Comcast Business representatives never let me reach their employee who has the privilege to waive ETF. So no. Their strategy is summarized on the link on my previous comment.

I'm currently working with one of bill negotiation services. Most of them handle only on-going billing but some mention they can negotiate ETF. I have not achieved anything practical yet but I'll update when there's some outcome.