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Wednesday, January 4th, 2023 3:52 PM

Voice Delay / Voice Quality Issue Using VoiceEdge Desktop App

UPDATE 1/31/23: This is directly from the senior engineer working with developers. The issue is related to how RTP is read by the RTC media server. 
The VED / RTC team made changes to the media server config to address the issue and are rolling it out slowly across all RTC media servers (should be all done next week). This issue has nothing to do with the client at all. There are no reports of a VED app rebuild. None whatsoever.

UPDATE 1/26/23: A patch was released last night that should have corrected the VED Audio delay issue.
Please have your people log out and log back into the app and let us know if its better now or worse.

UPDATE 1/13/23: If you are experiencing the Voice Delay / Voice Quality Issue, CALL and REPORT the issue to the VoiceEdge Team. We have been having this issue since before 12/14/22. Our original ticket number is CR068103811.

We have 6 users that are having issues voice delay issues with Version 1.47.0. The longer the call, the longer the delay. Upwards of 20-30 seconds after a 3-5 minute call. I have been working with tech support for 3 weeks.

Back story... The users are working from home, located in Florida, Indiana and Illinois. All but 1 have Comcast home Internet. They all started having a voice delay issue about 3+ weeks ago.

Long story short... Comcast Tech 4 ECC Mid Market Technical Support is saying that it's an issue with the users local Internet or LAN.

Please let me know if anyone has Version 1.46.0 saved in your downloads, as and I would like to use 1.46.0 for testing. I have only been able to find version 1.42.0 in all of the downloads that I have access to.



5 Messages

2 years ago

@user_a947b8 Hello Good Day, thank you for reaching out to us on Business forums. We are happy to do all we can to assist. You stated about speaking with our Tech team, were any changes made after speaking with them? Are you currently having same issue still? 

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51 Messages

@Comcast_Brian​ Thanks for the reply. Our work at home VoiceEdge Desktop App users are still having the issue.

The BVE Carriers Team said that it's not their issue, as it's happening to more than one carrier. The carriers team did place a call to one of our users and experienced the delay themselves. *It's happening to more than one inbound carrier. Well, maybe the issue isn't with multiple carriers, maybe the issue is with one carrier.... Comcast.

No changes were made by the developers of the BVE desktop app or on the backend that I'm aware of. I was told that it can't be the BVE Desktop App, as there would be others (hundreds) of tickets. I get that. BUT...

As I said above, support is saying that it's an issue with the users local Internet or LAN. But the issue is only happening with incoming calls. That's why I thought it was a carriers issue at first. Once the voice delay reaches 20-30 seconds, the call is not usable. Our users will tell the caller, that they will call them back. They hang up and caller the person right back with in 15 seconds. The outbound call is okay, with no delay.

Example 1

11:00:00AM User1 has an inbound call that has a 30 second delay within 5 minutes. User1 tells caller that they will call them back.

11:05:00AM User1 hangs up with caller.

11:05:15AM User1 calls the caller back within 15 seconds of hanging up and talks for 10 minutes with no delay.

Wouldn’t you expect the voice delay to continue into the outbound call if the local Internet and/or LAN were acting up.


Example 2

User2 can be on a call with a huge delay of 30 sec or more. User2 puts the caller on hold. Places an outbound call to a vendor to check stock and not have a delay with the vendor. But then come back to the original caller and have the same or even longer delay.

I've exhaust all my troubleshooting and Comcast support can't figure it out, so they/we are being told that it's an end user local Internet / LAN issue. IMO... If it were a local Internet or LAN issue, the call place outbound would start having a delay, just like the inbound call that they were on, which hasn't happened. Also I can't see it being a local Internet / LAN issue as it started happening at multiple locations across the US at the exact same time.

BTW... After work hours, one of the users that this is happening to, is a gamer and on discord with a large group with no voice quality issues.

We have been using Comcast Business VoiceEdge since 2016. We have 100 plus UC users/phones across 5 locations. The users that are having this issue, have been work at home and using the VoiceEdge desktop app since March 2019.

Call flow for the call center...

In bound call comes in to DID which is assigned to Hunt Group. No users assigned. The hunt group forwards all call after 0 seconds to Extension xxxx, which is a Call Queue. The Call Queue is where the agents are assigned.




2 Messages

we have users who are experiencing this as well and have received the same feedback from Comcast. 

I will need to inquire regarding any differences between inbound and outbound calls. I will be following this thread. 

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51 Messages


I sent you a DM so we can discuss.

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51 Messages

@Comcast_Brian​ What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

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51 Messages

@user_4c55c4​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

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10 Messages

2 years ago

I have this problem too



11 Messages

Hello! @user_57e671


We would love the opportunity to assist with your voice delay concerns. 


To send a direct message:

  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here:
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.

To expedite your request, we ask that you please include your name, the business name on the account, the phone number for the account, and the service address alongside your inquiry so we can best assist.

I no longer work for Comcast.

New Contributor


51 Messages

@Comcast_Erika​ What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

New Contributor


51 Messages

@user_57e671​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

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1 Message

2 years ago

We are experiencing the very same issue. Often doing work calls on personal cell phones to bypass the problem. Very frustrating.

Official Employee


87 Messages

I'm truly sorry to hear that you are experiencing the delays as well. We'd love to look into this further with you. Please send us a Direct Message to Comcast Business with your full name, address and phone number to get started.

To send a direct message:

  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here:
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.

To expedite your request, we ask that you please include your name, the business name on the account, the phone number for the account, and the service address alongside your inquiry so we can best assist.



2 Messages

@user_313d44​ some of our users have been using the Be Anywhere feature via the Comcast Business phone app. Has been an OK work-around and doesn't expose any personal phone numbers, etc 

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51 Messages

@user_4c55c4... Yes, it's okay work around, as long as your employees are willing to use their personal cell phones. This week I was documenting how to use the Comcast Business Mobile App for Android and iOS. I found a feature that is broke within the iOS app. So not only is the Comcast VoiceEdge Desktop App not functioning, the Comcast Business Mobile App also is broke.

I am now looking at setting up an VoiceEdge over-the-top (OTT) account to move some users over to. Then they can use the Polycom desk phone at home.

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51 Messages

@user_313d44​ Same... I get this all the time... "It's my personal cell phone." I will need a company cell or stipend. But the same goes for Outlook access as well, not just the BVE app. 

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51 Messages

@user_313d44​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

New Contributor


4 Messages

2 years ago

We are also experiencing this issue on the desktop app and have been using cell phone instead.  Not a good alternative though.  I sure hope Comcast looks into this and gets it fixed right away.

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51 Messages


Agree. I was told for weeks that it was our problem and too have our remote users have their home internet checked out. I'm hoping we get more comments here. The more comments the more Comcast knows that it's a widespread issue.



16 Messages

Hi @user_6aeafb

I appreciate you letting us know that you are also experincing this issue with the Desktop App. I would be happy to help dive into this further. Please send me a direct message so that we can help! 
To send a direct message:


  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here:
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.

To expedite your request, we ask that you please include your name, the business name on the account, the phone number for the account, and the service address alongside your inquiry so we can best assist.

I no longer work for Comcast.

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51 Messages

@Comcast_Lysa​ What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

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6 Messages

2 years ago

We are also having call lag issues. The call starts out fine and as it progresses, the lag gets worse. This is happening to me on a 200+Mbps Xfinity broadband connection with an Ethernet PC connection directly to the Xfinity gateway and on the iPhone Be Anywhere app on a wireless connection, about 5 feet from the Xfinity gateway. No other streaming/downloading int he house. It used to be an occasional thing but now happens all the time. Other remote coworkers are experiencing the same. We are all on Xfinity broadband, working remotely. Every link in this chain of failure is Comcast and they need to fix it.

Trusted Forum Contributor


57 Messages

Hey there! We are sorry to hear you are having call issues as well. We would love to help look more into this for you. Feel free to send us a DM with your name, business name and address. 


  • Ensure you are first signed in, then you will see a chat box icon at the top right of your page. Click that or follow this link here:
  • From there, click the 'New Message' icon. In the 'To' field, type ‘Comcast Business’.
  • Type your message in the text area that appears at the bottom of the window and hit enter to send. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond.

I no longer work for Comcast.

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51 Messages

@user_b55b00​... Thanks for your reply. I have an end user with pretty much your same setup. I was humoring Comcast for 3 weeks doing testing and such. Then when they said it was our Internet/LAN of the end users, I finally put my message on this forum, as I knew it wasn't just us.


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51 Messages

@Comcast_Korie​ What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

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51 Messages

@user_b55b00​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

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10 Messages

2 years ago

Hey Comcast is there any update on this?  It is NOT the LAN, as I experience this call delay or lag when using VoiceEdge at work or at home on the same account, different networks.  It's getting bad, every time I try to talk, the other person starts talking and then stop because they thought they interrupted.  Can we get a fix?


Official Employee


43 Messages

Hello and thanks for taking the time to reach out on our Business Forums to let us know you're also experiencing issues when using VoiceEdge. My team is here to help and to best assist you with further investigating/troubleshooting this, please send us a private Direct Message. To send a "Peer to peer" / "Private Direct message" message to "Comcast Business": 

• Click "Sign In" if necessary 
• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon or 
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon 
• The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Comcast Business" there 
• - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Comcast Business" from that list 
• - An "Comcast Business" graphic replaces the "To:" line 
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window 
• Press Enter to send it"

New Contributor


51 Messages

@user_57e671​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

New Contributor


7 Messages

2 years ago

PLEASE FIX THIS!  It is obviously a problem on VoiceEdge app side.  I can no longer use it because I get a few minutes into a conversation and then I have to guess if there is lag or not, and then there definitely is, and I try to continue or bring the conversation to an end and ultimately have to hang up and call back with my cell phone.     This is a PRIORITY.

Official Employee


42 Messages



Hello and thanks for taking the time to reach out on our Business Forums to let us know you're also experiencing issues when using VoiceEdge. My team is here to help and to best assist you with further investigating/troubleshooting this, please send us a private Direct Message. To send a "Peer to peer" / "Private Direct message" message to "Comcast Business": 

• Click "Sign In" if necessary 
• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon or 
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon 
• The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Comcast Business" there 
• - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Comcast Business" from that list 
• - An "Comcast Business" graphic replaces the "To:" line 
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window 
• Press Enter to send it"

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51 Messages


Well, at least they have the mobile app. Wait that's broke as well. SMH

@Comcast_Orlando​. What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

Official Employee


43 Messages

In order to further investigate and provide you with accurate information, please send us a Private Direct Message. To send a "Private Direct message" message to "Comcast Business": 
• Click "Sign In" if necessary 
• Click the "chat" icon or 
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon un p
• The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Comcast Business" there 
• - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Comcast Business" from that list 
• - An "Comcast Business" graphic replaces the "To:" line 
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window 
• Press Enter to send it"

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51 Messages

@Comcast_Amira​ What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

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51 Messages

2 years ago

What's the ETR for fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop App?

Official Employee


21 Messages

@user_a947b8, we do not have an ETR yet. Can you please send us a Direct Message if you need assistance with your account? Thanks! 

New Contributor


7 Messages

@Comcast_Linda​ Are you saying that if we send you a direct message, it will be fixed more quickly?  The problem has been outlined and detailed and supported by multiple customers.  Will it help for us to open multiple cases for you?  We obviously need assistance with our accounts, per se fixing the VoiceEdge Desktop app.

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51 Messages

@Comcast_Linda​ Sure... But the voice delay is not an issue with my account, it's an issue with the VoiceEdge Desktop App for all Comcast BVE customers.

Official Employee


28 Messages

@user_a947b8, We would love the opportunity to troubleshoot your Voice edge desktop concerns. Please go ahead and send us a private message per my colleague so, we can assist and resolve this.  

New Contributor


51 Messages

@Comcast_Kei​ There is nothing to troubleshoot, as this already has been identified as an issue within the Comcast VoIP system. We are just waiting for the third party company, that develops the VoiceEdge Desktop App for Comcast, to fix the voice delay / voice quality issue with in the Comcast VoIP network, server and/or software infrastructure. 

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7 Messages

2 years ago

I will come and check and also COMPLAIN every day until this is fixed.  We are paying a premium for Comcast Business VoiceEdge service.  The Desktop app is a critical component of that.  It is currently almost unusable because the time delay starts fairly quickly and it is impossible to have more than a one minute call.  PLEASE FIX OR PLEASE UPDATE US ON A TIMEFRAME!

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4 Messages

2 years ago

i was told that Comcast Business doesn't handle this issue, that you have to call the VoiceEdge team.  Have you talked to them yet?  I plan to call them today too.

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4 Messages

2 years ago

I hope you all call VoiceEdge team to complain.  The person I talked to at VoiceEdge had not heard of any issues so it doesn't seem like this is on their radar yet.  Her only suggestion was to uninstall and reinstall the app.  

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7 Messages

@user_6aeafb​ I called VoiceEdge or 'Enterprise' support, after trying to talk to someone in Comcast Business that's where they directed me.  I let them know about this thread, that it's an issue affecting multiple if not all VoiceEdge customers who use the desktop app.   He was nice, apologetic, and opened a ticket, but he had no suggestions.

I mean, if one person asks me to uninstall or to reboot my PC I'll just scream. :-)   That's the Comcast/Xfinity answer to everything.

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51 Messages

@user_6aeafb​... I guess everyone should be calling in. Here's my ticket number(s) since I've been working on this for 4 weeks. CR068103811. I just found out a couple hours ago that Dan closed my ticket without our knowledge on 12/29/22, but yet he still working the ticket and emailing us on 1/5/23. Makes no sense. So now I have new open ticket CR072399527.

From: Ferlise, Daniel

Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:26 PM

Subject: RE: CR068103811

Please stand by as I just received an update from our back end.  It seems that we’ve been getting similar audio delay issues reported and our back end have been working to recreate the issue and run some tests with a few fix attempts.  Prognosis is looking good but will require more testing across more cases.  Once we’re confident in a fix, I should be able to acquire an ETR.  I would advise making use of the Comcast Business Mobile App and the BeAnywhere feature via smart phone as a work around for now if the issue is causing too much inconvenience since that has worked for at least some users.  Hopefully, I’ll have more definitive information tomorrow or Monday latest, but I can’t provide anything more specific than this at this time nor provide any ETR, even speculative.  So, I want to thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding as we finally track down the needle in this haystack.




7 Messages

I would like to check in with you later to see if you hear back, we will follow up with you on this Tuesday, how does that sound? - 

I no longer work for Comcast.

New Contributor


51 Messages

@marketheredge​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

New Contributor


51 Messages

@user_6aeafb​ Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811.

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10 Messages

2 years ago

Following up to this issue, I still have the delay problem and it's disrupting business, @Comcast, has there been an update??!!


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51 Messages

@user_57e671​ Unfortunately the admin/monitors here don't have access to that information or will not provided it here. Please call in and reference my ticket number CR072388713. Ask the Tech 3 phone support to be assigned to Tech 4 Kevin Mengel. My closed ticket number is CR068103811. EDIT: It looks like you may have, as I just received your message from this forum. Thanks. Just keep on them... I know I have.


New Contributor


10 Messages

@user_a947b8​ were you able to get a resolution?

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51 Messages

@user_57e671​ No resolution. No ETR. Nothing.

Do you have a ticket opened and are you speaking to Tier 4 Support?

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10 Messages

@user_a947b8​ No, I don't have a ticket...sounds like everyone here with a ticket doesn't have a resolution, and honestly opening a ticket can be a PITA.  But...its looking like I need to.

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51 Messages

@user_57e671​ Total understand the ticket PITA. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but for 3-4 weeks I was told that it was our problem, our local Internet, our LAN (even though it was 6 users in 3 states), because no other customers were reporting an issue.


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10 Messages

2 years ago

I just opened a ticket for this issue...I'll update if I receive any assistance or a remedy.

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10 Messages

2 years ago

Just updating all of you...I opened a ticket today, and they acknowledged the "known issue" and should be fixed on the 27th.

"I am following up on your issue regarding a audio delay when using the Voice Edge Desktop App. This is a known issues and a fix is being worked on. Internally we received notification that an update is scheduled for release on Friday 01/27/2023. The to be released version is still going through testing processes."

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51 Messages

@user_57e671​ Thanks.

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51 Messages

@user_57e671​ I just received the message below from a tech that I have been working with.

A patch was released last night that should have corrected the VED Audio delay issue.

Please have your people log out and log back into the app and let us know if its better now or worse.

New Member


6 Messages

How do we force a patch update?  We can't seem to get it to update by closing/logging out.

New Contributor


6 Messages

Same. And our lag is worse than ever. I logged out, closed, rebooted, and logged back in. Nothing. On the phone again with a rep who has not idea what I am talking about.

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7 Messages

I know it doesn't help to see mixed messages, but I got an unexpected call from Comcast Business yesterday letting me know that the lag/delay was a known issue and that team had a fix that they were testing, and that he would email me directly when the fix goes to production, but he didn't think it would be today (Friday 1/27).  So I was glad to know it's a 'known' issue and that they're working on it, but I don't think it's available yet.

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2 Messages

1 year ago

I have been having this issue for a while now. I appreciate the update on 1/26/23. However, my client did not update yet.  I have version 1.47.0 still. 

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51 Messages

@user_b85013​ I was told this is a server side update, not a desktop app update. The logging off and on was just to make sure to refresh the server connection. I was told that the patch was applied, but maybe that means it was just to our server/tenant for testing. I guess calling it in reference one of my ticket numbers to see if we can get the server you connect to updated.