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July 19th, 2017

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replied to a comment on
's post

3 years ago

It's been about six months since the issues have started popping up, but it's gotten much much worse since then. I have to reset my comcast business router multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day (At minimum, it's reset 6 times a week) because my internet will drop out. I've isolated t

As mentioned in my previous message I have been unable to get any help from customer support. WHEN I can actually get through to an agent all they do is power cycle the modem, and since that fixes it they consider the issue resolved. I've asked to ha

replied to a comment on
's post

3 years ago

It's been about six months since the issues have started popping up, but it's gotten much much worse since then. I have to reset my comcast business router multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day (At minimum, it's reset 6 times a week) because my internet will drop out. I've isolated t

@user_470609 those are the exact steps I followed and the results of the search shows up as in the screenshot provided.

replied to a comment on
's post

3 years ago

It's been about six months since the issues have started popping up, but it's gotten much much worse since then. I have to reset my comcast business router multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day (At minimum, it's reset 6 times a week) because my internet will drop out. I've isolated t

This is all I am seeing in the list.

commented on
's post

3 years ago

It's been about six months since the issues have started popping up, but it's gotten much much worse since then. I have to reset my comcast business router multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day (At minimum, it's reset 6 times a week) because my internet will drop out. I've isolated t

I'm assuming in your steps, you meant the chat bubble at the top of the page in the page header. Once clicking that it takes me to my direct messages, and upon clicking 'new message' and in the To field typing Xfinity Support, it lists a bunch of nam

's post

3 years ago

It's been about six months since the issues have started popping up, but it's gotten much much worse since then. I have to reset my comcast business router multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day (At minimum, it's reset 6 times a week) because my internet will drop out. I've isolated t

posted a question

October 15, 2021

3 years ago

It's been about six months since the issues have started popping up, but it's gotten much much worse since then. I have to reset my comcast business router multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day (At minimum, it's reset 6 times a week) because my internet will drop out. I've isolated t

commented on
's post

6 years ago

So I am a Comcast business customer, obviously. I know that I am able to connect to the many thousands of 'xfinitywifi' hotspots that show up on my mobile phone, as well as my laptop when I am not at the office. (Although sometimes I get errors trying to authorize). My question is: Are there restric

Okay, in the terms of service it says, under Network restrictions: make the Service available to any third party unless done with Comcast’s written approval in accordance with an applicable Business Services Agreement. It is not a violation of this P

posted a question

October 26, 2018

6 years ago

So I am a Comcast business customer, obviously. I know that I am able to connect to the many thousands of 'xfinitywifi' hotspots that show up on my mobile phone, as well as my laptop when I am not at the office. (Although sometimes I get errors trying to authorize). My question is: Are there restric

posted a question

August 21, 2018

6 years ago

Can you guys please reset my cusadmin password on my business gateway? I can't factory reset as I will lose the settings I have configured.

posted a question

July 1, 2018

7 years ago

I have an employee that is working remotely for me, and needs to have access to the internet. There is an xfinity wifi hotspot near them that they can connect to, but I do not want to give them the credentials to the admin account.  How can I create a new user for them, so that they can connect to t