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Thursday, November 18th, 2021 5:14 PM

SOLVED!!! Comcast Business refusing to fix my Starter speed increase

I got Comcast Business people's attention and the problem is solved!

THANKS Comcast Business for responding to my persistence!

The answer is, the 35Mb speed tier for the Business Starter Internet tier hasn't been released in the midwest, which includes Indianapolis, Indiana.

THE CAUSE of this whole problem was overseas Tech Support not knowing what they were talking about and insisting to me that ALL Comcast Business Starter accounts were at the 35Mb speed.

It wasted 4-5 hours of a good Tech that came to my place for nothing, who pulled his hair out trying to find the answer.
Plus countless other people behind the scenes had to waste their time too.

I also lost some sleep trying to figure out what was going on too.

My ONLY suggestion is for Comcast Business to move Tech Support back to the USA so things are more in touch with what's going on.

Accepted Solution



28 Messages

3 years ago

Thanks again for working with us today!


We found the solution -- at the time of writing this (11/18/2021) the speed increase for Business Starter services has not been rolled out for this area yet. We make speed changes from time to time, and anytime we do we notify customers at least 30-days in advance on their monthly statement.


With all Xfinity internet services, residential and business, we allot a 10% over-provisioning for the speeds to help customers out. While the subscribed speeds may state up to 25Mbps, depending on your network conditions and connection status, customers could see speeds up to 30Mbps for a plan like this.


I appreciate you taking the time again to work with me today, and I'm happy we were able to find the answer together. Don't be a stranger! If you need anything, feel free to reach out.

Trusted Forum Contributor


57 Messages

3 years ago

Hello there @mrshyvley. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us today. I'd be happy to help look into the speed concerns and see what is going on. Can you please send me a DM with your name and address? 


To send a direct message you may need to:

Click "Sign In"

Click the "direct message" icon

Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

Type "Comcast Business" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Comcast Business" graphic replaces the "To:" line

Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

Press Enter to send it

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12 Messages

I've tried doing your instructions and I get the To: to say Comcast Business, but I see no place that gives me a drop down menu for Xfinity Support.
Why is this so unclear to use?
I'll keep trying but I don't see how to get a message to you.

New Contributor


12 Messages

I sent a message with my name and address as you asked for.
I don't see how it makes it to you.