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21 Messages

Friday, July 20th, 2018 12:00 PM

Cannot Access Cisco DPC3939 Gateway Setup Program

We have a fully working network with a Comcast/Cisco DPC3939 gateway - with one exception.  I need to configure the gateway for the appropriate security settings for our business.  However, I am unable to access the gateway configuration program.  The internal IP of the gateway is (default value).  I can ping that IP.  When I try to access the gateway from a directly connected computer (connected to one of the four Ethernet ports on the back of the gateway) via a web browser, the browser times out and cannot locate/display the gateway login screen.  This did work when the gateway was initially installed, but now it does not.


By the way, Comcast tech suppport did send a remote reset pulse to the gateway which did not resolve the problem.


Thanks very much for any assistance you can offer.



1.1K Messages

6 years ago

Hi JN. 


My apologies for the issues going on when attempting to log into your gateway. is the correct IP unless this was changed internally as shown here:


You are also able to factory reset the gateway. All settings that have been changed will default as well. 


If you would like assistance with this, please private message me your first and last name, the name of your business, the full address of your business location and the phone number associated with your business services. 



21 Messages

6 years ago

Hello Phil,


Thanks very much for your prompt response.  My understanding of the reset switch on the back of the gateway is that it has to be held down for over 15 seconds to completely overwrite the custom values entered into the gateway.  A shorter duration reset button press (say five seconds) will not cause the non-default values to be lost.  Is that correct?  What about pulling the power cord out briefly, will that perform a full reset to factory defaults?  What I am trying to do is to restore access to the gateway setup program without having to re-enter all of the customized changes I previously made.  






1.1K Messages

6 years ago

If you hold down the pinhole in the back of the gateway and it resets, this will cause a factory reset no matter the length of time held down. Pulling the cord will cause a reset but will not default the settings that you may have changed in the past. 


Are you looking to do this without changing the current configuration? 



21 Messages

6 years ago

Yes, I made a number of changes to the defaults when we first got the Comcast gateway.  GIven my fading memory, I'd rather not have to remember/re-enter all of those changes.

New Member


163 Messages

6 years ago

I do recommend resetting the modem by unplugging the power cord from the back of the modem for about 1 minute and then reconnecting. This will refresh the modem connection without changing the settings on the modem. 

New Member


163 Messages

6 years ago

Please advise if you continue to have issues after attempting this. I would be more than happy to assist further if you continue to have issues. However, this may cause a factory reset on the modem as the best resolution. I am hoping that this easily resolves the issue for you without interfering with the modems settings. 



21 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, Michelle.  I will be going on-site to the office with this problem on Tuesday afternoon and try  your suggestions on the Comcast gateway.  I will report back with findings on Wednesday.



21 Messages

6 years ago

Hello Michelle,


I just got to the location with the Cisco DPC3939 local access problem this past weekend.  Unfortunately pulling the power cable did not solve the problem.  I am still uable to get the gateway to respond when I attempt to access the device configuration program through the standard IP address (  I tried several browsers and they all time out after I enter that address into the browser's address bar.  By the way, I did connect taptop computer I brought to the office directly into one of the yellow RJ-45 LAN port jacks on the back of the router.


Please let me know if you have any other ideas or suggestions.









1.1K Messages

6 years ago


Hi JN.


I'll be glad to look into your gateway. Please private message me your first and last name, the name of your business, the full address of your business location and the phone number associated with your business account.