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7 Messages

Thursday, March 8th, 2018 8:00 AM

Static Routing with DPC3941B and Sonicwall TZ300

I have a block of 5 static IP addresses from Comcast Business and a DPC3941B modem that was installed.  I also have a Sonicwall TZ300.   My ip assignments are as follows:


IP address : 97.xx.yy.89 - 97.xx.yy.93
Gateway IP : 97.xx.yy.94/29
Subnet Mask : 


I want to route traffic for the static IPs to hosts in a DMZ that is configured on the Sonicwall TZ300.  


There is much debate on how to do this in this forum with many different answers.  The DPC3941B does have a setting to put it in true bride mode, but I seem to loose my pubic IPs in this mode.  If I configure pass thru mode the DPC3141B still retains its static IP.  I found a post on the site that sort of explains the two modes but it is a little anemic in details on when to choose one over the other and what the impact of choosing one over the other.  


It would be helpful to know the following.

Is Pass Thru Mode the correct configuration for this setup?

How do I route traffic to the static IPs?



1.1K Messages

6 years ago


Hi Kenemike and welcome to the business forums.


Thanks for your questions in regards to your static and gateway. I would like to first say that I do recommend removing your static IP addresses from your post. We do like to keep your information private.


Since you do have static IP addresses, bridge mode does disable routing so this will also impact your network as this will not be able to pass through any traffic. Statics will also not be able to route correctly in bridge mode. Pass through mode is recommended for this. If your personal equipment is not accepting the static while in pass through, my advice would be to review your personal network as well. Please let me know if you need anything.