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ZNALLC's profile

New problem solver


2 Messages

Thursday, March 29th, 2018 7:00 AM


Comcast refuses to uphold signed contract

We worked with Comcast to come up with a contract on 12/20/2017.  We signed and returned the contract through docusign on 12/20/17.  In January the bill was not changed, I called and they said the new contract would not be applied until February.  In February the bill again was not changed, I called and they credited our company the difference and assured me that they made changes and the contract would be in affect the following month.  In March again the bill was not changed, I called and they said they mishandled the contract and because it is 3 months old I will need to sign a new contract which is at a higher in price. 


The original contract reads to me that once signed it is legally binding, so I do not understand how they can not uphold the original contract.


Our company has two accounts with comcast which totals around $800.00  a month, and we would like to avoid the hassel of changing service providers.


I keep getting placed to a 3rd party company "The Results Companies" I have spoken to a women named **** no last name would be given, and she would not let me speak to a supervisor, she just said that they will not uphold the original contract, with no reasoning behind why.  I have also received an email from her supervisor with the new contract higher in price that they want me to sign. 



We are losing our trust in Comcast and hope that this message reaches the right people to find a solution to this discouraging situation.




(Update as to the request of a Comcast Agent)

I have been ask by comcast to take out the name and personal information of the the 3rd party manager's, personal information(name & email Etc)  I have also blanked out the first name of the woman who would not let me speak to the supervisor or give me reasoning on why the signed contract was not being upheld.


Accepted Solution

New problem solver


2 Messages

6 years ago

The issue has since been resolved.  We will been given a credit for the difference of the original contract and have signed a new contract.


Thank you



1.1K Messages

6 years ago

Hi ZNALLC and welcome to the business forums.


I would like to assist with your billing concerns. Please private message me your first and last name, the name of your business, the full address and the phone number associated with your business account. I would also recommend removing the third party's personal information such as name, phone number, email address, company name, etc. 

New Contributor


1 Message

11 months ago

I'm in need of direct contact information for Xfinity/Comcast legal, HR, billing & Customer retention departments respectively... I have agreements in written form, recordings & witnesses documenting agreed resolution with refund total amounts... Numerous agents have been quoted as saying they are indeed authorized to speak for Xfinity/Comcast yet can't seem to get the refund adequately represented & documented in many forms contractually obligating y'all to do so... Over a hundred hours of documented interaction which Xfinity/Comcast also has i.e... App, chats, phone, etc... No reasons given for the multiple breaches of arrangements & multiple out right misrepresentations easily classified as knowingly lying... So are there direct lines to executives for departments stated at the beginning??? Been a customer since 1986 & own stock through our financial broker... I have a vested interest in this companies success & as a customer a reasonable expectation of honesty & adherence to agreements reached

Official Employee


23 Messages

Hello @user_d571b8 you can reach our Comcast Business Customer Support team at (800) 391-3000.