New Member
2 Messages
Internet Connectivity
I run automated scripts that need to go over the internet at set times, some of them run every minute. Over the last few weeks I have seen a large number of internet outages that impact on my ability to run these scripts. Sometime the downtime is a minute or two, sometime it is over an hour.
I tuened to Comcast business internet to be able to absilutely count on the connectivity. Is there someting happening on the Comcast network that is affecting my ability to maintain connectivity. I need more consistency on the connectivity.
I would appreciate any insight you may have on this.
1.4K Messages
9 years ago
Hello ploustaunau and welcome,
Please review Connection Troubleshooting Tips as an outstanding first step to check out your connectivity issues.
Hope this helps you out.
New Member
2 Messages
9 years ago
Thank you, I appreciate your repsonse. But the tips are not useful. My most important requirement is consistent connectivity, I run scripts that go over the internet every minute and when the connectivity is not there I lose data or my scripts fail and crash other algorithms. I can handle connectivity issues here and there, down for a few minutes, every so often. But recently I have seen much more than that, more than I am confortable with regarding my lost data. I am wondering why this is happening now when it has been pretty stable for months.
Problem solver
305 Messages
9 years ago
The connection troubleshooting guide is a great place to start. It list common problem areas to check and gives you information on how to check your signal levels(which can cause disconnects). What they also do is give you knowledge so you can approach Comcast with your issue.
New Member
1 Message
9 years ago
Have you confirmed that your connection is completely out for a full hour? I think we are having a similar problem. We rely on a constant connection and recently have found that the connection becomes intermittent for usually 30 min making it impossible to do what we need to do. Yes I can surf webpages, but I can't do anything that requires a constant connection like video conferencing.
The super frustrating thing is when I call tech support, they tell me they don't see any packets dropped when they ping the modem. I run a constant ping to the gateway and I can see that I can't get 10 complete without having 2 drop. That happens from any device and none are connected to WiFi. They want to send a tech out and charge $99 when they find nothing, but can never send a tech when the problem is occurring and it doesn't occur every day or at the same time. I'm forced to be at the mercy of the connection and have to call every time it goes down.
Problem solver
326 Messages
9 years ago
Your power adapter may be bad. Unfortunately that was left out of the most recent iteration of the troubleshooting tips although it was in the last one.