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Saturday, October 15th, 2016 12:00 PM

Cannot connect Comcast Bussiness email to Thunderbird


 I am trying to set up Mozilla Thunderbird to handle my Comcase Bussiness emails. The free Microsoft email provided with my account doesn't have the services that I need. I have tried using dome of the information provided on the Comcast site withont any results. The Thundebird sith only tells how to set up for regular Comcast. I called Tech support but the person on the other end had never heard of Mozilla Thunderbird and said that nobody had ever tried to use a different email service. What settings need to be changed?  It will do a setup but  will not download or send email.

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4 Messages

8 years ago

Hello Rob,


I set up my comcastbiz account several years ago and I had no problems using POP mail to receive from comcast using the Thunderbird mail program.


Comcast is currently using for their mail server and it lives on port 995

(they did change the server one time without telling anyone, though).


It accepts the SSL/TSL setting for connection security - INBOUND ONLY.


It uses normal password.


OUTBOUND it will not accept SSL for sending mail so I went back and reactivated my account to use it for SSL outbound mail.


You guessed it, two mail servers and two separate passwords.


Such a pain...


Comcast used to support SSL on outbound mail but it suddently stopped and I had a hell of a time figuring out that they'd dropped SSL support.  I'd reported it but, like you found out, they aren't the brightest bunch of bulbs in the box and reading from a script doesn't help anyone if they have no clue to begin with.


The last comcast outgoing server was


The outgoing port was 587


There is no connection security supported and the password had to be transmitted insecurely

(hence me switching back to my account for outbound mail.


Just so's you know - they're forcing everyone to jump on Microsoft's band wagon and install Office 365 at the end of the year because Microsoft is dropping the Hosted Exchange email platform.  Not that I ever used it to begin with.


Don't know how that's gonna affect POP mail but I've got enough problems accessing my biz account with a Linux box to begin with so Office is kinda out of the picture for me.



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8 years ago

Wow!  We are really at their mercy arent we. We only have a choice between AT&T and Comcast here. The 2 of them vie for #1 worst customer service in the country but for an extra $40 per month I can get the Bussiness (so to speak) which does have decent US based service so I am there, $85/month for a connection that is only average in the rest of the world and I can't even use a full service email program. So sad.