Comcast Business Support Community
New Member
October 8th, 2013
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8 years ago
Hello. Please share links and guidance to any simple network config diagrams for optimal use of static IPs. Thank you.
8 years ago
Hi I am trying to set up Mozilla Thunderbird to handle my Comcase Bussiness emails. The free Microsoft email provided with my account doesn't have the services that I need. I have tried using dome of the information provided on the Comcast site withont any results. The Thundebird sith only tells how
Hello Rob, I set up my comcastbiz account several years ago and I had no problems using POP mail to receive from comcast using the Thunderbird mail program. Comcast is currently using pop.w14b.comcast.net for their mail server and it lives on port 99
11 years ago
Hello, Does comcast business telephone service include the ability to block incoming telephone calls from specific telephone numbers..? I now they have anonymous telephone call blocking....which is ok...but having the ability to black-list some specific telephone numbers from actually ringing my pho
Call blocking, or rather, call "Call Screening" doesn't help much with only 12 numbers available to screen from. I've got a Panasonic cordless system that is inadequate with 30 "screening" numbers. With the number of bogus and spoofed telemarketing
joined community.October 8, 2013
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