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October 15th, 2016

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commented on
's post

8 years ago

Hi I am trying to set up Mozilla Thunderbird to handle my Comcase Bussiness emails. The free Microsoft email provided with my account doesn't have the services that I need. I have tried using dome of the information provided on the Comcast site withont any results. The Thundebird sith only tells how

Wow!  We are really at their mercy arent we. We only have a choice between AT&T and Comcast here. The 2 of them vie for #1 worst customer service in the country but for an extra $40 per month I can get the Bussiness (so to speak) which does have dece

posted a question

October 15, 2016

8 years ago

Hi I am trying to set up Mozilla Thunderbird to handle my Comcase Bussiness emails. The free Microsoft email provided with my account doesn't have the services that I need. I have tried using dome of the information provided on the Comcast site withont any results. The Thundebird sith only tells how

joined community.

October 15, 2016