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We do not have connectivity to fire alarm company
Hi, we have converted to Comcast in February and just found out that our fire alarm system was not captured in the conversion. Our security company told us they don't know which phone line we use to connect to them. I'm pretty sure it's the fax line. I cannot find the appropriate Comcast service number to call to get someone out here to reconnect up our fire alarms. HELP!
1.4K Messages
9 years ago
Hello liz and welcome,
You should really have a dedicated telephone line for your fire alarm because if you are also using that telephone line for your FAX, then it could provide a security and operational issue if both your FAX and fire alarm need to use that telephone line at the same time. Comcast does not interconnect their phone service to your fire alarm. Your fire alarm interconnectivty should be handled by your Fire Alarm company and they should be able to trace and test the telephony connection from any of your telephone lines that are connected to the fire alarm. They would need to do this from your telephone patch where the fire alarm telephone wiring comes from.
If you need to conect Comcast you can do so by using 800-391-3000, use technical digital voice option.
Hope this helps you out.
New problem solver
30 Messages
8 years ago
Please see my post of 5 July 2016 with a similar complaint. I'm presenting a theory that perhaps Comcast just recently discontinued support of pulse dialing in the market serving me, in eastern Massachusetts.
New problem solver
30 Messages
8 years ago
Yes, in the case I was trying to solve (which sounds just like yours, including the timeframe of April) this proved to be the answer. Ask the alarm company if the equopment is programmed for pulse dialing only.