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October 18th, 2024

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commented on 's post

2 months ago

Rather than using an autoattendant to pickup our calls, we use a hunt group in the office for everyone but the two principals in our business.  When anyone makes an outgoing call, it displays "HG" instead of our buisiness name or phone number.  In looking over our Caller ID settings, each user is se


Ok how to we correct this and show the business name so clients it is the law firm calling them

followed 's post

2 months ago

Rather than using an autoattendant to pickup our calls, we use a hunt group in the office for everyone but the two principals in our business.  When anyone makes an outgoing call, it displays "HG" instead of our buisiness name or phone number.  In looking over our Caller ID settings, each user is se

replied to a comment on 's post

2 months ago

Rather than using an autoattendant to pickup our calls, we use a hunt group in the office for everyone but the two principals in our business.  When anyone makes an outgoing call, it displays "HG" instead of our buisiness name or phone number.  In looking over our Caller ID settings, each user is se


joined community.

October 18, 2024