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December 5th, 2022

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followed 's post

2 years ago

I don't have SecurityEdge. I don't know what it even is.Yet every single week I get a "SecurityEdge Activity Report" email which tells me that Comcast has helpfully blocked 0 websites, 0 phishing and malware attacks, and stopped 0 botnets. To modify these emails (hopefully to turn them off) it tells

commented on 's post

2 years ago

I don't have SecurityEdge. I don't know what it even is.Yet every single week I get a "SecurityEdge Activity Report" email which tells me that Comcast has helpfully blocked 0 websites, 0 phishing and malware attacks, and stopped 0 botnets. To modify these emails (hopefully to turn them off) it tells


I know I’m responding to this almost two years later, but I want to provide a fix for anyone else that has this issue and finds this post like I did. I have a Comcast business account, not sure if it’s different for non business accounts.  -Sig


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December 5, 2022