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November 16th, 2022

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replied to a comment on 's post

2 years ago

I start the desktop application. I sign in and can see all the details in the background behind the E911 popup and it is all good. BUT I CANNOT CONFIRM MY ADDRESS WHEN ENTERED INTO E911......I have called in about this previously. I am stuck on multiple users accounts. I am not DAFT as I am 30 year


@user_c44625​ And now it's validating...

commented on 's post

2 years ago

I start the desktop application. I sign in and can see all the details in the background behind the E911 popup and it is all good. BUT I CANNOT CONFIRM MY ADDRESS WHEN ENTERED INTO E911......I have called in about this previously. I am stuck on multiple users accounts. I am not DAFT as I am 30 year


Looks like this is back again today. My address has not changed, and they're obviously doing something on the back end that fixes this because eventually the same address I've been using for the past 4 years validates again...

replied to a comment on 's post

2 years ago

I start the desktop application. I sign in and can see all the details in the background behind the E911 popup and it is all good. BUT I CANNOT CONFIRM MY ADDRESS WHEN ENTERED INTO E911......I have called in about this previously. I am stuck on multiple users accounts. I am not DAFT as I am 30 year


It looks like it has resolved. Able to complete E911 verification.

followed 's post

2 years ago

I start the desktop application. I sign in and can see all the details in the background behind the E911 popup and it is all good. BUT I CANNOT CONFIRM MY ADDRESS WHEN ENTERED INTO E911......I have called in about this previously. I am stuck on multiple users accounts. I am not DAFT as I am 30 year

commented on 's post

2 years ago

I start the desktop application. I sign in and can see all the details in the background behind the E911 popup and it is all good. BUT I CANNOT CONFIRM MY ADDRESS WHEN ENTERED INTO E911......I have called in about this previously. I am stuck on multiple users accounts. I am not DAFT as I am 30 year


Piling on. Having the same issue as well...


joined community.

November 16, 2022