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Friday, August 7th, 2015 7:00 AM

Cable Card

How do i transfer a cable card from one buisness location to the next? We recently moved, the cable card was deactivated and now I cannot get anyone at COmcast to re-authorize it onto our new account. 



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello nomi and welcome, Cable Cards are always paired with host cable boxes and allocated to a specific physical Comcast location. If you need to have a cable card & cable host box at your other location, you can have another cable box combo installed at that location to get it implemented. Your old location equipment will be needed for return of that equipment to that Comcast account number. Hope this helps you out.

New Contributor


3 Messages

10 years ago

Thanks. I do not need equipment, i own a box, just want get service to the cable card. Thank you.



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Okay, if you own the cable box then you should be able to contact 800-391-3000, use technical Video support, then ask the technical agent to pair your box with the cable card and this should get it done for you.