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Retired Employee


178 Messages

Thursday, September 19th, 2019 2:00 PM

Comcast BusinessSupport Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Comcast Business Support Community. This support community is accessible to all Comcast Business customers. Membership and posting privileges are currently available as a free, added benefit to Comcast customers. We invite you to join in and discuss a variety of Service topics/Issues. Membership within the Comcast Help Support Community is both a privilege and a responsibility. To ensure the community remains an active and helpful environment here are some recommendations to help you get started.


  • Ask Questions - No question is considered silly or "dumb." The community is here to help, so please ask away!


  • Be Respectful - This forum was designed to build a positive and thriving peer to peer help community. Positive, constructive comments will help to maintain the positive spirit on these forums. Please give the same consideration and tolerance to others that you would like to receive from them.


  • Be Relevant - Make sure your contributions are relevant to Comcast Business products and services. Any posting that is not relevant to the community, the topic at hand, or to other peoples’ comments will be removed. Please do not post duplicate messages in different areas of the community. If you have a new question, start a new thread rather than interrupting a conversation. Solicitations of any kind are not considered relevant to this forum.


  • Be Comprehensive - Please include as much information to describe your question or issue as possible. Generally speaking, try to include details of your computer (i.e. operating system, Internet browser, email program, etc.) and any error messages you may see. Share what you've learned so far in your experimentation or prior research.


  • Use Good Netiquette - Please practice good "netiquette." his includes offering assistance to others where you can. In addition, we ask that you avoid typing in ALL CAPS, avoid profanity, inflammatory remarks, inappropriate images, and refrain from “bumping” (posting for the sole purpose of moving a thread to the top of a support community page).


  • Check Back In For Replies - Because of the nature of the support community, you will find that your question may not get answered right away. Make sure you check back on your post periodically for a few days to allow others to answer your question.


  • Keep Yourself Protected – Our Official Employees are helping in various areas of the community. For account specific questions, we may need to authenticate your account, for your security and the security of your account we will always do this via a private message. To keep yourself and your account secure please avoid posting that personal/account information in public posts.


  • Remember this is a Peer-to-Peer Based Forum - You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, configuration, or implementation may vary from that of the individual sharing a solution. Some advice you find here may even be wrong. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the Internet.


If you recognize any violation of these guidelines, please notify us within the community by choosing "Report Inappropriate Content" from the message's Options menu and let us know why you feel the content is inappropriate.


Please Note: By having an account and utilizing these forums, you have hereby agreed to the rules, policies, and guidelines contained within this document as well as any other posted documents throughout the community. The Business Class Support Community are subject to the Subscriber Agreement at and the Acceptable Use Policy at


The use of 'remove', 'removal' or 'removed' may be substituted for 'edited' or 'deleted' at anytime. Comcast forum "Official Employees", "Moderators" or "Administrators" reserve the right to remove any post and/or topic that we deem inappropriate or disruptive to the Business Class Community. These Guidelines Can Change Without Notification.

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