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7 Messages

Saturday, April 19th, 2014 5:00 AM

Using the Starter Web Package

After a bit of hunting and playing with the sitebuilder I am still not able to figure out if I can do what I need to.  Our website could easily fit to a single webpage so the 3 page limit should not be an issue.  What we need to do, is allow our visitors to download pdf's for about a dozen documents. 

I have been able to upload my pdf's but do not see how I can place them into the page.  As an old "hand coder" I would be very happy to code up my own page to do this but I am unable to see the file structure.  Where can I put my own page in the directory structure and where did my pdf's go when I uploaded them?



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello again jasperx,


I am far from a website builder guru but if you want to add PDFs for user display it is necessary for you to check out in the Advanced Website Builder online help.  This is a crude means to achieve this that I premise on having done a great deal of MacroMedia (now Adobe) DreamWeaver website development.  The thing to watch out for is the Website limitation 10MB website size shown here.  (Business = $19.95, Commerce = 34.95, Enterprise = 79.95) At lease the upgrade website versions allow the MicroSoft Frontpage usage as part of the upgrade.

Here are some other handy online website assistance for everyone:

-   Learn about Newsletter Broadcast  Offered with ALL Comcast websites  


-   Troubleshoot website publishing issues  FTP access is available for XML hard encoding if interested.


Hope this helps you out.