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2 Messages

Monday, June 29th, 2015 11:00 AM

Registered domain, email works... can't build website

I registered my domain, setup email and it's working, but in website builder I can't edit the website for my domain.  Page says hosting not setup on my domain, but the drop down has the default name still and selecting it lets me activate webhosting.  I want the default webhosting on my personal domain, not the comcastbiz one.  

Accepted Solution



5 Messages

9 years ago

I think I found my own solution. I *guessed* that Website Builder works in a safe, isolated "place" that ends with the "" suffix. So I took a stab in the dark and clicked PUBLISH.


It did indeed publish to my own pre-existing domain name that I registered with Comcast a few years back. It does take time to propogate. I kept checking for a couple of hours.


I have my own FTP software so I was able to do this:

1) I *did* delete my old INDEX.HTM so that the new "index" file could take over

2) This new "index" file is not listed as INDEX.HTM. It's now called INDEX.PHP

3) I'd not heard of *Joomla* before this. I did my previous (lame) pages in MS Word







1.4K Messages

9 years ago

Hello satinkzo and welcome,


First, make sure to pay particular attention to steps 7 - 11 within this link . Second pay particular attention to this webhosting link  with respect to the storage capacity. If the website or domain you brought in is more than 10 MB in size, you will have up upgrade your webhosting capacity to its corresponding size limit in order to modify it within the Business Class Portal.  The business, commercial and Enterprise packages all provide access to enhanced web development tools as shown with the webhosting link provided.


Hope this helps you out. 



2 Messages

9 years ago

I didn't bring a domain, I registered a new one through comcast.  



5 Messages

9 years ago

Hey, me too! I created my other 2 free websites through Comcast. But the only website it lets me use Website Builder is on my "" site.


Can anyone out there help us?