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5 Messages

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 3:00 PM

Publishing a website

I'm trying to update our company website ( and the updated website will not publish.  The original site was made using Sitebuilder and we have Sitebuilder plus.  For the new (updated) website I used Website Builder.  The website I made in Website Builder is not publishing and visiting the page gives you a 404 error.  I chose to make the switch because I didn't like any of the templates in Sitebuilder. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



1.4K Messages

9 years ago

Hello rnSD and welcome,


I first recommend that you check Troubleshoot website publishing issues . If this is all set, next it is necessary that you check the size of your website and check this link  for additional information. I have had no issues publishing the starter website with its storage and other parameters within the starter package. You may need to upgrade and the last link I provided will assist you on this, too.


Hope this helps you out.

New Contributor


5 Messages

9 years ago

I have the business class package so I'm pretty sure I'm in the file size limit. Would I need to delete the website created from the sitebuilder and not the Website Builder? In the ftp site I see two web folders, one has a web~.  



1.4K Messages

9 years ago

If you have added your existing domain besides having your 3 page free starter website, then you do not have to delete anything. You can use all the web dev tools specified in and made available to you via the business webhosting package.


The /web subdirectory contains:

ftp> cd web
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Directory send OK.
ftp: 159 bytes received in 0.05Seconds 3.06Kbytes/sec.
ftp> cd ..


I am only really familiar with gfx is the graphics file subdirectory typically called images, index.php is for specialized PHP server-side scripting, missing.html is for general purpopse error handler, templates is the sitebuilder templates location, etc.


Hope this helps you out.


New Contributor


5 Messages

9 years ago

The original website was done on the predated sitebuilder from Comcast. We have the business class web hosting plan.  I made a new website using the same domain and the website builder Comcast currently offers.  It just won't publish.  I just backed up and deleted the old one using ftp access.  I didn't see any of the files from the new website in the ftp access folder for the domain's IP. 

New Contributor


5 Messages

9 years ago

Is there anyone that can help me with this?  I haven't gotten a call back from customer support on this and my work website has been down because I can't simply "publish" the website using my existing domain and using Comcast's website builder.

New Member


3 Messages

9 years ago

Try to change the domain name. May be this will help you.