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Thursday, November 6th, 2014 8:00 AM

SharePoint - Unable to delete Web Parts

I edited (placing Web Parts) on some pages in my Comcast Hosted SharePoint account.  Just testing the development .... .however my delete Web Parts icon is grayed out for some reason.   My profile/security rights say "Full Control, Limited Access" ... not sure what this means ...please help!  



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello jps_richmond and welcome,


All changes to websites, sharepoint, email management, etc. can only be done by being logged in using the account adminitrator email address. There is also permissions granting facility in Sharepoint that your administrator can grant specific permissions or privilidges to users.


Hope this helps you out.


New Member


2 Messages

10 years ago

Thank you for the reply.  Quick Question:  Since I am the Admin (and the only user on the accoutn for now) should I makeup a new user, grant them access, login in as the new user and then delete the "testing" web parts.   Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.   I have used SP 2007 before and know enough to be dangerous.