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3 Messages

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 4:00 PM

Problem with add user to email box.

I'm having issue to create/add a new user to the Microsoft Email Box. 


After I filled out the informations, it says there's an issue with the input, review the information and try again. I could not figure out what I did wrong. Please help. 



New Member


3 Messages

9 years ago




1.5K Messages

9 years ago

Hello pdc,


Welcome to the forum.

The community would like to help, but can you clarify a few items for us?


1. How many active email box do you have currently?

2. Did you use any special characters while creating the email box?

3. Which internet browser are you using?



Thank you

New Member


3 Messages

9 years ago

Hello Jon


Thank you for the reply.


1. current active email is 1/2 with one more remaining. 


2. I used period "." to seperate my first and last name in the email.


3. I'm using Google Chrome as my web browser. 



New Member


1 Message

9 years ago

Having the same issue...


I have been creating emails for the past year with NO issues, now all of the sudden Im getting the same error as you.

There has been an issue with the information that you input. Please review and try again."  Nothing has changed in how I create the emails.
I have 2 availablle emails boxes to use,  I have tried in multiple browsers and consistently got the same error, nothing works, and I have put in a ticket with Comcast (which they escalated) and 3 days later I havent received a response.  Meanwhile, I have new employees unable to work because I cant create an email. 

New Member


1 Message

9 years ago

I am having this same issue since 8/11/15. I have to put in multiple tickets with support, I am told they are escalated to Tier 2 and I will hear back within 24 hours, and nothing until I call back to check the status. 1 ticket was closed without resolution and I wasnt notified, for another I was told 24 hours, I called back 2 days later, only to be told that 24 hours means business hours, so in actuality 3 days?! Are you kdding me? The issue creating mailboxes is an annoyance, the support and treatment of customers downright disgraceful. If I had any other option for business I would leave Comcast in an instant.



5 Messages

9 years ago

I have the same problem. Keep getting "There has been an issue with the information that you input. Please review and try again.". I have 2/2 emails remaining. This occurs no matter what information I use.



3 Messages

9 years ago

This is seriously disturbing, 


Today is September 1st, over two weeks after I started the transition of emails from one domain to another. As some above mentioned, each time I call am on the phone for at least 15 minutes dictating the same information over and over and am advised about the miracle tier 2 that is supposed to resolve it. 


My emails are not working, it is affecting my business, and quite frankly is totally embarrassing. 


I have filed a complaint with BBB and FCC almost a week ago and nothing.

I suggest all here do the same. 


This is consumer terrorism - we're all stuck with this monopolized conglomerate. 



3 Messages

9 years ago



I  waited patienly all day today for a response from anyone at Comcast. 

Tier 1



Despite my rather inssuficient posting experience of 2 or 3 member posts, I've been a customer of Comcast for over a year now.


If anyone here can recommend another comunication vendor - I WILL SWITCH NOW. 


I feel like an orphant .


This isn't Comcast Business - this is ComcastInadequate 



5 Messages

9 years ago

This is not acceptable at the business level. Have not been able to create any users since signing up for Comcast Business. Talked to Tier 1 support and was told I was the third customer that day to report this. Tier 2 tried to create the user for me, but they received the same, "There has been an issue with the information that you input. Please review and try again." message. I was told that Tier 2 would escalate this, that was a week ago. You cannot run a business this way, unless you are Comcast (NBC, Universal, Univision, EMKA, AT&T Broadband, etc.). My only choice is Comcast or AT&T, but since Comcast owns AT&T Broadband I only have one choice. How long does it take to debug a script, ISAPI DLL, or whatever is being used on the backend. This would be fixed in a day at my company.



6 Messages

9 years ago

I'm having the same problem: I can't create a new user, I'm receving the same error message about the information I provided but it doesn't indicate which field it has a problem with. I have 2/2 email boxes available, and can't assign one to the sole existing login on the account.

New Member


1 Message

9 years ago

Same problem here.

i cannot add users (create new email boxes0 to a new domain.

receive follwoing message:

there has been an issue with the information you input. Please review and try again.


I reviewed multiple times and tried multiple users etc. - no success.


- I have 3/6 email boxes left

- work with mozilla broswer

- didnt use special characters just my first name


Can somebody help.



Actually this problem only accures on my new domain NOT on the older domain