Microsoft Services & Apps
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1 Message
Monday, February 2nd, 2015 7:00 AM
Outlook cannot connect to Exchange Server desktop or phone
I cannot get any clients to connect to exchange since 2-1-15... both desktop client, Outlook 2007 , or andriod client on phone.
All were working fine until yesterday, I can use webmail but that it it. Please advise..
Domain is fultontech.net
10 years ago
Accepted Solution
New Member
2 Messages
10 years ago
Same here, all my iphone users can't get there email. On the desktops, when they started it today, they got MS outlook redirected to autodiscover.w**d.comcaset.net/autodiscover.... site and then asked for a restart of outlook., then it worked. however the phone does not, tried entereing the same address and it didn't work. WTF Comcast!!
Accepted Solution
New Member
2 Messages
10 years ago
Comcast sent me the updated server information. I had to update my domain name service provider to get it to resolve to the new DNS name correctly, but as a quick test i hardcoded the comcast one(mail.W**D.comcast.net) on my iphone and my users phones and it worked immediately.
EMAIL FROM COMCAST - Your's servers may be different
The information that your Domain hosting service will need:
Your MX Records must contain the following servers and preferences:
mx01.biz.comcast.net Preference: 10
mx02.biz.comcast.net Preference: 10
mx03.biz.comcast.net Preference: 50
The following cname aliases or sub domains must exist for Microsoft Exchange client access:
autodiscover.***.com Points to autodiscover-rd.W**D.comcast.net
The following cname aliases or sub domains must exist for various legacy clients access:
imap.***.com Points to imap.W**D.comcast.net
smtp.***.com Points to smtp.W**D.comcast.net
pop.***.com Points to pop.W**D.comcast.net
mail.***.com Points to mail.W**D.comcast.net (This one worked for iPhone/Andiod)
The following cname alias or sub domain must exist for online access outside of the Comcast Business class website, this will allow you to view your email online without logging into the Comcast Business Class Website:
webmail.***.com Points to webmail.W**D.comcast.net
Thank you for choosing Comcast Business we are always available 24/7 at 1-800-391-3000