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Mike_M's profile

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3 Messages

Monday, November 10th, 2014 8:00 AM


We usually send newsletters to our customers without a problem always staying under the 1000 per hour limit.  Now only the first few are sent before receiving an email notifying us that we have exceeded the limit. 


The emails are scheduled  to send 900 per set and then wait 1 hour for totals to reset. Within a minute or so of starting each set of emails, we exceed the limit and receive the email notification from comcast.


Please help.

Accepted Solution



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello Mike_M and welcome,


Please make sure that your email limits meet this email sizing information


Hope this helps you out.

Accepted Solution

New Member


3 Messages

10 years ago

The limit is NOT being exceeded according to the link you provided but I am still getting limit exceeded messages. NOTHING is being reset after 45 minutes as stated in my previous post.

New Member


3 Messages

10 years ago

We are well within those limits.


Can you explain to me how / when the limits are reset? Is it on the hour? An hour from the time the 1000th email was sent if within an hour?


We have used the same procedure to send this mailing in the past with no problems.


900 emails sent at 1:00am (usually takes about 20 minutes)

900 more at 3:00am (plenty of time has elapsed for 60 minute reset) - Only 20 or so of this set go through before Limit Exceeded.

900 more at 5:00am - Same result as the previous set so it appears that the account is somewhat reset but not to the full 1000 limit.


The network is virus / malware free.



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

It states in the link I provided you that the limits are reset every 45 minutes from the time that the limit is exceeded.





1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Please see my comments/questions below. Thanks.



Outbound email limits

Violating any of these limitations will result in an error message and the failure of your email attempt.

  • 100 recipients per email.

  • 1,000 outbound emails per hour. One email sent to 100 recipients is counted as 100 outbound emails. If you send 10 emails, each of which are going to 100 recipients, you will reach the 1,000 emails-per-hour limit. If this occurs, your account will be blocked from sending email for 45 mintues.

What exact is the exact size of your email distribution list ? You said "  900 emails sent at 1:00am (usually takes about 20 minutes)  ", so it escapes me as to how you are sending out 900 emails @ 1:00 AM. Unless you are using a batch file to send some quantity of distribution sets like 9 sets of 100 emails.... I would try using 90 in your email distribution list and send 10 sets. This way you will stay away of both the 100 distribution list limit and be under the 1000 per hour limit.



  • 20 MB per email. If the total size of your email, including attachements and headers, exceeds 20 MB you will be unable to sucessfully send that message.

Is your email total size under this 20 MB limit?



Understanding email restrictions

In an effort to protect our customers, Comcast will temporarily suspend a customer’s ability to send email if the customer generates abnormally high outbound email traffic or a significant amount of email appears to be spam.

In this case, a customer’s email may be suspended for up to one hour per occurrence. To prevent re-occurrences, you should check the content of messages, including any URLs in the signature file, the number of undeliverable recipients and volume of mail being sent.


Can you please provide us with the error information you are getting when you receive limits?


If you believe your account has been flagged or have further questions about our email policies, please contact Customer Security Assurance at 1-888-565-4329.


If you are with all limits, then perhaps you should contact the Security Assurance group to determine if your account is being inadvertently and incorrectly being suspended.  

New Member


1 Message

7 years ago

i never received message on for more than a whole year, Yesterday I had over 9000 messages and I started

@Mike_M wrote:

The limit is NOT being exceeded according to the link you provided but I am still getting limit exceeded messages. NOTHING is being reset after 45 minutes as stated in my previous post.going over it deleted 3000 messages.I still have to go those messages. Because of this problem, I am short of memory in my lap top. what should I do? can someone help.