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23 Messages
WiFi module crashes and 5G wont come up without resetting
Multiple times per day, usually when I am on customer zoom calls, the WiFi SSIDs disapear and connection drops. Eventually, the SSIDs reappear, but nothing can connect to 5G. One device is 5 feet away from the router and there are multiple devices, phones, tv, macbooks that all see the same issue at exactly the same time. If i reset the wireless module on the modem, it temporarily fixes the issue... Temporarily. I switched from xfinity to business last week and all devices are the same. This is a modem firmware issue. but no none listens.
Customer support has been abysmal. They will not listen to anything I say. One agent even said wifi was not a product but an extra. I was promised a Tier 2 call back within a period of time and have not received it at all. Also, having a modem restart as a firs action for troubleshooting is NOT troubleshooting. It is a temporary fix that gets the caller off the phone. No business can run when they are rebooting equipment for 10 minutes every 2 hours. This is unnacceptable.
Official Employee
46 Messages
4 years ago
Hello, @user_7e8b89, I totally get what you mean about not being able to run a business when you have to restart so often. I'm sorry you've had to deal with these connection issues, I can't imagine how you're feeling. Especially when you haven't gotten the support you need. You mentioned that you already restarted your modem, which is usually the best first step. What other troubleshooting steps have you taken? That way I can tackle this issue and avoid having you repeat yourself.