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Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 12:56 AM

WiFi module crashes and 5G wont come up without resetting

Multiple times per day, usually when I am on customer zoom calls, the WiFi SSIDs disapear and connection drops. Eventually, the SSIDs  reappear, but nothing can connect to 5G.  One device is 5 feet away from the router and there are multiple devices, phones, tv, macbooks that all see the same issue at exactly the same time. If i reset the wireless module on the modem, it temporarily fixes the issue... Temporarily.  I switched from xfinity to business last week and all devices are the same. This is a modem firmware issue. but no none listens.

Customer support has been abysmal. They will not listen to anything I say. One agent even said wifi was not a product but an extra. I was promised a Tier 2 call back within a period of time and have not received it at all. Also, having a modem restart as a firs action for troubleshooting is NOT troubleshooting. It is a temporary fix that gets the caller off the phone. No business can run when they are rebooting equipment for 10 minutes every 2 hours. This is unnacceptable.

Official Employee


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4 years ago

Hello, @user_7e8b89, I totally get what you mean about not being able to run a business when you have to restart so often. I'm sorry you've had to deal with these connection issues, I can't imagine how you're feeling. Especially when you haven't gotten the support you need. You mentioned that you already restarted your modem, which is usually the best first step. What other troubleshooting steps have you taken? That way I can tackle this issue and avoid having you repeat yourself. 

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@Comcast_Marcos rebooting the modem is not a good first step. As I said, it temporarily fixes the problem and erases any potential information stored in memory. It works to get fast call times, not to resolve issues. This is tolerable with residential, or recreational internet, but not business. If you restart as a first step every time, you will never get to a resolution because you are erasing the error state, and if the error condition does not exist, then no one can troubleshoot. This gets Comcast off the hook, but leaves the customer in a perpetual state of frustration until they finally just cancel.

When the connection drops, i check the wireless settings on every device, 2 android phones, amazon fire stick, 2 macbok pros with different OS levels. EVERY SINGLE one of them have dropped the 2.4 and 5G SSIDS. after a minute or so, both SSIDs reapear, but NO device can connect to the 5G SSID. I connect to the 2.4 SSID, log into the modem, and reset the wifi module. This fixes the issue temporarily. The modem was replaced Friday and the issue persisted. All of this points to a firmware/software issue with the wifi module in the modem.

Additionally, since all the devices are the same, and are in the same location as before I swapped to business, and this was not an issue with the xfinity modem, this also points to the business modem. Firmware/software specifically since the hardware has been replaced.

Official Employee


46 Messages

@user_7e8b89, I appreciate you being so detailed in your messages, those help a ton to get us on the same page. Resetting the modem certainly isn't a cure-all and not the only recommended step, however; I'm in your corner and will do all I can to get this fixed. I would never try to get you off the hook or just appease you with frivolous steps, but I promise we'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. I'd like to run some targeted troubleshooting steps with you to narrow our way down to a solution. In order to get started can you please click the chat bubble in the top right corner and send a message to our "Comcast Business" handle? 

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I wont be on location again until tommorow night late. 
What will the steps entail? I see limited opportunity unless there is a way to enable debug system logs.  

Official Employee


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@user_7e8b89, I'd be able to take a look at your signals on my end and even possibly send a few signals to your modem. If my remote steps aren't getting a fix, we can then look to schedule a tech to have them look at any other issues from there. It is best to work on this together while you're present with the equipment. I've responded to your private chat and look forward to working with you. Thank you for giving me a chance to help you and get your service back to where it should be, interruption-free. 

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This wont have anything to do with the cable side.  This is isolated to the wifi module of the modem. Not the internet side, not ethernet wired, not client devices (laptop, phone, etc), but the wifi module crashing.