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Monday, March 10th, 2014 5:00 PM

Trouble after change to Netgear modem

For the past month or so we had been experiencing frequent loss of connection to the internet. Even if very short this kills the connection to our remote SQL server and is a real pita for the apps we run at the office requiring frequent restart of the app. 


So 2 weeks or so ago we had a service call and the tech replaced our SMC modem with a Netgear. Connection issue is a little better but still drops way more than we are used to.


All of a sudden this afternoon our internet connection died.


I also have  Comcast business internet at my office at home. I have Cisco ASA firewalls at both sites with a VPN set up. The strange thing is that even though the internet connection was dead the VPN between the 2 Comcast sites was live!


So I made the call to Comcast and as I expected the problem was blamed on the firewall. So I spent most of the day trying to figure out what could have changed.


I finally took a laptop upstairs to where my equipment is located and connected directly to the cable modem. And - no internet connection. 


Spent over an hour on the phone with a tech - and event though he was very nice - no joy. And now even the VPN is dead. He did tell me that looking at the log in the modem there are frequent sync issues. 


So there is another service call scheduled for tomorrow, however it is not till the end of the day and this means we are out of business all day. And I do not have a lot of confidence in the problem being solved.


Any hints on what to check? I will say I find myself doing way too much troubleshooting myself for Comcast problems.



New Member


2 Messages

11 years ago

I am sure this is one for the books.


Tech showed up and did a hard reset of the Netgear. In reloadin the config the tech at the office noticed something strange.



We have fixed IP's and it looks like the SMC modem that was replaced by the Netgear got put back into service - with our IP block intact. 





1.4K Messages

11 years ago

Hello mbam and welcome to the forum,


Could we get a tad more info wrt you network configuration:

"  Even if very short this kills the connection to our remote SQL server and is a real pita for the apps we run at the office requiring frequent restart of the app.  "


a.) so how is your SQL Server (SS) connected within you network directly behind the firewall? Is SS using a static IP on your ASA? If not what NAT rules within your ASA and Netgear are you using?

"  I also have  Comcast business internet at my office at home. I have Cisco ASA firewalls at both sites with a VPN set up. The strange thing is that even though the internet connection was dead the VPN between the 2 Comcast sites was live! "

b.) this would only be technically feasible if your VPN server had its own staticIP connected directly to another NG3K Lanport other then the one your ASA is connected to. What I mean by this is if your ASA has no internet access, then everything else behinf the ASA is dead, too.



" So 2 weeks or so ago we had a service call and the tech replaced our SMC modem with a Netgear. Connection issue is a little better but still drops way more than we are used to. "

b.) please define "  still drops way more than we are used to. " in terms of packet loss %, uptime %, or whatever other parameter you are using?


"  I finally took a laptop upstairs to where my equipment is located and connected directly to the cable modem. And - no internet connection.  "

c.) I am not surprised about this at all due to - for your ASA's DCHP server to operate correctly and dole out dynamic IPs to your intra-network structure, it is necessary for you to disable the NG3K DHCP to avoid any conflicts. Whenever you disable the NG3K DHCP server, there is no longer and - dynamic address provide to an devices connect into LanPorts 1-4.

Home any of this help you out and look forward to your updates....