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New problem solver


31 Messages

Monday, March 26th, 2018 4:00 PM

Setup Firewall for FTP

What are the firewall rules to run an FTP server on a static IP?


Previously, we use

# AppName    PortRange   Protocol      Static_IP_Range
1 ftp               20 ~ 21        BOTH ~   


And it works fine.  But after Comcast upgraded our modem, the same rule no longer works.  Now we will need to open all the additional port numbers that may be used in passive mode for FTP to work.

New problem solver


48 Messages

6 years ago

Remove your IP's from your post as it is not good to have them in the public. A support agent will reply soon hopefully with more information to help you. 



1.1K Messages

6 years ago

Hi quetek. 


I would like to help with your static. ewatts76 is right. Please do remove your static information from the public post as we do like to keep your information private and secure. 


It is past Comcast Business's demarcation policy to assist with a customer's personal network, firewall settings, port forwarding rules, etc. However, I want to make sure your static loaded correctly. If it is, you may want to look into setting the gateway is pass through mode and using your own personal router for rules like this.


To verify if your static is correctly loaded, please private message me your full name, the name of your business, the full address and the phone number associated with your business account.





1.1K Messages

6 years ago

Please let me know if there is anything I can help with concerning Comcast Business services. 

New problem solver


31 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks.  These are just some made up IPs not our IPs.

New problem solver


31 Messages

6 years ago

The static IPs are working fine.  To me this more like a question of how to use the equipment rather than setting up a certain network.  There should be a canned answer for these kind of setups.