New Contributor
4 Messages
Cradlepoint - Configuration Possibilities?
So I recently got Business class installed and I have the cradlepoint setup for WAN to my main modem and then my failover line into the cradlepoint LAN BUT I want to know if we are able to get into the admin settings for the cradlepoint.
I followed the guides and it looks like the web UI is locked down and I really just want to configure SNMP on this thing so I can monitor it directly and see if I could maybe bridge the connection to my core router.
Either way has anyone gotten into the settings on these things and been able to set SNMP communities?
New problem solver
8 Messages
5 years ago
Comcast has locked down the Cradlepoint UI and doesn't provide any user access. There's no way to change settings. It would be nice if Comcast would provide more access to the Cradlepoint.
I don't like the way it was installed at my place with my LAN plugged into the Cradlepoint and the Cradlepoint WAN interface plugged into the Comcast Business Router. I'm going to change my setup so the Cradlepoint and Comcast routers both plug into my Cisco edge router. I'll setup IP SLA monitoring on my edge router to failover the default route if the cable connection dies.
New Contributor
4 Messages
5 years ago
thats a big bummer I was hoping to get some usage statistics and monitoring from it. So yeah what you're doing is a good way to go about it. So right now my mode is not bridged but I may change that at some point but not sure yet. I currently have a core router which has a cradlepoint LAN and modem LAN interfaces being used as WAN. I just have active and standby configurations for the modem as the primary and the cradlepoint as my failover but the cradle is also plugged into the modem LAN for it's WAN so it can tell if the connection has dropped (hopefully). I'll be doing some testing down the road but man yeah atleast let us set SNMP details so we can monitor the devices.
New problem solver
9 Messages
5 years ago
It's interesting how many do their own reverse-engineering to learn about the cradlepoint and how to use it. Comcast has to ramp up on this product definition and support. I got the feedback "complex customer network setups are not supported" - but the setups you describe aren't complex IMHO, just common sense.
I did some test by removing the cable from the gateway. The cradlepoint was finally re-routing from WAN (the gateway/modem) to cellular but that took much longer than the "remove-WAN-link" reaction, some (estimated) 20+ seconds.
And then the bandwidth. Not sure if you have done some speedtest of the cellular link (?). I got around 5-6 Mbit/s down and just-so 1 Mbit/s up. To be fair I did not spend much time on antenna location optimization but my cell phone, at the same location, delivered better, especially on the uplink it was close to symmetric. Comcast is not providing any bandwidth goal (the "up to" bandwidth), instead says "you get 4G speed". Ah well ... .
Official Employee
526 Messages
5 years ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us through our business forums. I appreciate your patience and I do apologize for the delay in our response. There is not a way to access the cradle point for our back up internet services. you most certainly can set your business modem in bridge mode, however, I do need to advise that if you so and have a static IP this will cause them to stop working as our static IPs are meant to function in a passthrough mode, not bridge mode. Are there any further questions or concerns that I can address for you today?
Problem solver
144 Messages
5 years ago
Hi there! I'm so sorry for the delay. During this time, we are doing our very best to make sure we respond to you as soon as possible. Thanks so much for reaching out regarding your internet concern. You've absolutely reached the right place, and are in good hands. I will own this Issue for you and ensure that I provide the best help I can today. When was the last time you checked your internet speeds? Have you tested your speed recently?
New Member
1 Message
5 years ago
I need to know if the cradlepoint device functions in "pass-through" mode when the wan connection is active... i.e. do static ip's from the primary comcast connection survive the cradlepoint node and route to the lan?
There seems to be no way to configure this. Calling comcast business support get's through to a person ONLY if you let the bot reset your modem along the way 😞
Official Employee
277 Messages
5 years ago
Hello, how are you? I hope overall your day has been a good one! I am sorry to hear you have been having trouble with Connection Pro and the cradle point equipment. I will do everything possible to help out and get more details about the capability of these services. Are you able to send a private message with your account information? I just need to start with your name, service address, and account number (or phone number) to assist you further.
New Contributor
4 Messages
4 years ago
Wow I didn't even expect Comcast to message on here since their support number is the only way to get somewhat useful information.
So that delay from route changeover is fixed by NOT connecting your craddlpoint wan to the modem LAN and just plugging the craddlepoint LAN directly into your gateway/router/firewall and setting up link monitors and failovers. I got my failover time cut down to a few seconds upon primary link failure (physical and routing on the modem failure).
I tried the bridge and passthrough crap but bridge you can't keep static because apparently they're stuck using RIP for that lmao. So I'm still trying to figure out any way around that by setting the modem into bridge and getting static to route but that's a long project.
Also pass through mode is a joke, you're still sitting behind NAT and packets are still processed through NAT it's just a 1:1 which still add's unneeded latency in-between your device and comcast network. It's actually sad and frustrating I'm paying over $200 for a service that can't function ONLY as a modem and not this junk AIO.
New Contributor
9 Messages
4 years ago
Wow, so my post was deleted? Seriously? Just trying to offer a neat solution for anyone who is looking for a way to use the cradlepoint effectively.