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3 Messages
Would like to terminate service
I was a satisfied customer, which seems rare reading the posts here. In May, my credit card expired and I posted a new card number to the web site. Apparently it didn't take. I contacted the service representive after a lengthy wait and explained the issue and was told it was all resolved.
During a recent business trip I lost contact with my server. Upon my return home I found I had been disconnected for non-papment.
My payment history for this year is:
05-11-132.85 <---this was when card expired and I paid manually giving them the new card.
Autopay was on until today. My account is now showing a past due amount of 417.55.
This is unacceptable in light of the no notice shut-off. If this is the "business class" it is poor business to do a no warning shut off with the wrong billing especially after all my payments have been automatic. Please tell me how to cancel the account, get a final bill so I can move on to a more reliable carrier.
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