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2 Messages

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017 11:00 PM


Termination of Contract

I need immediate assistance. If anyone has an email, I would greatly appreciate it.  It is appalling that Comcast would treat loyal business and residential customers in such a manner that they would prefer that they file for bankruptcy in order to get out of a contract.  Either way they would not receive the termination fee because the company has been dissolved and there are no funds. Is there a way to have this fee waived and the account closed?  The details are below:


On March 23, 2017, I contacted Comcast Business customer service regarding closing my account. At that time, I was informed that my contract would not be up until August 20, 2018 and I would have to pay @$2,620.80. The business ultimately closed and was dissolved on March 31, 2017. On April 5, 2017, I called Comcast Business customer service again to see what other options were available for a nonexistent insolvent business. Suggestions included having someone take over the current contract which I was unable to do or to downgrade the services and keep until the end of the current contract. After much consideration, I realized that with a loss of income, there is no way that I can personally take on that expense especially since we currently have Comcast at home. I also realize that once I have the services moved to my residence, I would then be put into a new contract for another 2-3 years which is definitely not feasible. On April 13, 2017, I went to the Comcast office to return the equipment but was advised to hold onto the equipment until the account had been closed. A month has almost passed since the office has closed and the bills are racking up and I have the equipment and I have been trying to resolve this in a professional manner.


Once again, I am reaching out for assistance hoping that Comcast has provisions for a customer that had a record of faithfully paying Comcast for the past 9 years as a business owner. More specifically what are the provisions for when a company no longer exists? The location is gone and there are no more locations. I have attached the dissolution certification to this email for your review. I anxiously await your advice and guidance. The other dilemma that I have is that as I'm still wrapping up final business issues I am currently using the this email and would like to continue to use it until all issues have been resolved, therefore I don't know if it can be transferred to my residential account.



23 Messages

7 years ago

I am getting ready to sue them in a few days, you should too. Their retention department is a bunch of crooks who will test your resolve and deny what their own contract says to hopefully wear you out and get their ETFs. I wouldn't be surprised if they are all ex scammers or unethical bill collectors in the retention department.

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7 years ago

OMG I am having horrible trouble!! I canceled and signed their electronic paper.. which they show they received.. and returned the box etc.. I did it at the end of the February cycle and was told it could take up to 30 days for the billing to correct. It is now April 21 and I am still showing the billing for March which I dont owe since I ended Feb 28 AND being billed for April!!! I am at the end of my rope for sure!

New Contributor


2 Messages

7 years ago

How can I get a Comcast representative to respond to this issue?  I see that they have responded to others on the forums.  I'm really frustrated and am truly not getting anywhere (i.e. phone calls, visits to the office, text to original sales person etc.), either they don't respond or they send me off.

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1 Message

7 years ago

I too have just experienced a negative converation with the Retention Dept.  Take note that the definition of the word "Retention" is the continued possession, use, or control of something.  That's what Comcast is doing!  It is their policy to receive a 60 day notice for disconnecting services with Comcast.  Who knows 60 days in advance that they will no longer need Internet?  Anything can happen to change usage of the Internet.  Example: the Tenant skipping out.  My situation is a Tenant moved out and failed to disconnect their Internet servies.  Comcast will not disconnect the service until the 60 days are up and still wants to be paid for services rendered.  How can services be rendered when the suite is unoccupied?  No one is using any type of services.  Zach in the Loyalty Dept which is the Retention Dept, wouldn't connect me with a Supervisor as he stated the Retention Dept is the Escalated Dept and there are no Supervisors.  What a bunch of stupidity!!  On a personal basis I discontinued using Comcast for my cable as they were crooks back then and now I see they are even bigger crooks!  Comcast needs to be dissolved and everyone that works in the Retention Dept.:smileymad: