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1 Message
New installation gone BAD!
I am in the process of moving my business to a new location.
Comcast done a PRE-installation at my new facility. In the mean time, they cut off my service to my existing building.
Literally after spendig TWO weeks on the phone and 10 Ticket numbers, they finally got my service back. Then I receive an invoices for the new building where I am not even moved into yet, nor have I Activated them yet.
So after spending the whole morning on the phone AGAIN today.. and getting cut off 3 times to tell them I am not responsable for these bills..
Maybe I dont WANT Comcast service at my new faciility... if you cant handle your own phone internal phone services, nor can you direct me to the right person to talk to without getting cut off.
You need to set up an e-mail contact so people can actually communicate with you. Being a BUSINESS... I cannot afford to sit on the phone for TWO weeks any more for a problem that is YOURS.
Official Employee
869 Messages
10 years ago
Hello WolfTool welcome to the forum,
I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Can you please send me a private message with your current account number, new location contract id, and new address so we can investigate this issue and get in contact with the correct group?
Thank you