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Monday, February 3rd, 2025 9:58 PM

Need to be able to delete voicemails in bulk - not one at a time!

For the last at least 6-7 years, the Comcast Business website states: "Your Business Voice experience in My Account is getting an upgrade! Learn more about what's changing in your new, streamlined experience. "  But there never is a new streamlined experience.  Even though it is now 2025, it's 1997 at Comcast and they never update anything.  We've all been begging for YEARS for them to fix this so that we can delete bulk voicemails without having to spend way too much time doing each one individually.  What is the deal?  Throughout the years, the Comcast response is things like "We're working on it!"  or "Here's the fix!" and there's a diagram that shows an edit button at the top of the voicemail area, but in actuality, there is no Edit box.  Calling and speaking with a customer service person doesn't work either.  They just say "Oh, I'll pass that info along."  Can somebody fix this?  I don't think it would take a rocket scientist to do it.  I would sincerely appreciate a response.  Thank you.

Official Employee


29 Messages

6 days ago

Thank you very much for reaching out to us here @user_c37b38. Have you reached out to the Business team directly through the site to get any answers on that issue?

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No, I haven't reached out this time, because in the past over the years when I did call, it to this day hasn't done any good.  The customer service rep say they will pass that information along to the proper department, but nothing has ever changes.