New Member
1 Message
I OPENED A new small business. I only needed phone and internet a rep of com cast said i had to have a bundle package. Now I'm stuck with a bundle package that has Increased EVERY month significantly!
I'm tired of Comcast and the over pricing and lying representatives.I want out of my 3 year contract so the rep states that my internet would be $150 monthly! Comcast is a big JOKE!...internet monthly packages are $69 monthly. I never at my office because I travel.
New Member
2 Messages
9 years ago
We closed our Pittsburg office at the end of September and I tried to call to confirm that we were cancelling our service. Every time I stated "Cancel service", I was disconnected. I understand that the system works by automated prompts, but I'm not wasting my time dealing with Comcast's no human customer service. When I asked to speak to a representative, same results. I've paid our last invoice - they can bill us all they want. Maybe a human being will call when future invocies aren't paid.