I’d TERMINATE ASAP. Mark your calendar 60 before the nightmare contract is over. God knows if you don’t, they’ll do whatever they can to screw you. Comcast business is a grift.
Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to the Digital Care Team here through the forums and I am sorry to see that you feel this way. Are you having an issue with your bill or any termination fees? If so, can you send us a private message with your name, full address, and account number?
Accepted Solution
New Member
1 Message
9 years ago
It's automatic UNLESS you give them 60 days notice to terminate. I'd terminate if I were you.
New problem solver
24 Messages
8 years ago
I may or may not. I got the static IP because I wanted to mess around with server uses. But I never got to it!
18 Messages
5 years ago
Comcast business is a grift.
Problem solver
348 Messages
5 years ago
Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to the Digital Care Team here through the forums and I am sorry to see that you feel this way. Are you having an issue with your bill or any termination fees? If so, can you send us a private message with your name, full address, and account number?