New problem solver
6 Messages
trouble connecting to our own hosted sites
I have 5 static IP's with websites and email servers being hosted on them. From anywhere else in the world, I can get to these services no problem. However, if I plug directly into my modem, I cannot get to these sites by name or by IP with any reliability. Most of the time I can get as far as the logon screen, enter my credentials then wait until it times out. Sometimes I cannot even get to the logon screens for these services. What could be the problem?
I am almost certain that i used to be able to do this when we had an SMC gateway. About 6 months ago, we moved to a new location and recieved a Netgear gateway.
Accepted Solution
1.4K Messages
10 years ago
Hello TMCP12 and welcome,
Okay so you are using NetGear3000 (NG3K) Comcast Gateway with 5 staticIPs. Please provide info on the following:
1. First, are you using a Firewall or Controlling Router device within your network? If yes, then you NG3K DHCP Server should be disabled and you will not have any Dynamic IP Address access. If no then...
2. How many websites w/email hosting do you have and how are they physically connected to the NG3K?
3. Please check your website(s) email incoming and outgoing server ports because Industry (and Comcast) now blocks outoging server port 20 due to a recent Hacker Scam on that port. Incoming server ports available are Pop 110 or 993 or for IMAP 995. Outgoing server ports in-net 587, out-net 465.
4. Lastly, I would check your website(s) email hosting application to make absolutely sure that this port is opened on the NG3K StaticIP device. This can be done by logging into the NG3K using username=cusadmin, password=highspeed, then click on Firewall, uncheck the disable static IP firewall, then click apply. Next click on Port Configuration tab, then staticIP port management, then make sure the block all ports with the following exceptions mode is selected. This is the most secure means to protect any staticIP device to ONLY allow specific ports that you ONLY know are open. Next click add new button, then enter in something like this to open example port 1000 on routeable StaticIP device
EmailApp1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 both(TCPIP/UDP)
Hope this helps you out.