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Bruceless's profile

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3 Messages

Thursday, March 14th, 2019 1:00 AM


Scheduled Maintenance

Please let us know when and how long planned scheduled maintenance will be.
Why don't you post this information on your web site? It seems to be around 12:45 nightly and service can be out for as little as an hour or all night. I am aware that the times may vary by address -- send a weekly / monthly text or email (or along with your marketing messages) -- you have my address and phone number...
I have business data (internet) connections in the Far East as well as in Australia.
Note: Hardware and Software maintenance can both be done by switching servers and distribution hardware in and out. This requires additional hardware and switches; I have done this for several of my large server farms. I pay more for my business service to get the best availability. You can plan to do better!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Scheduled Maintenance



226 Messages

6 years ago

Hey Bruceless. I appreciate you reaching out to us on our Comcast Business Support Forums. I've responded to you on

I look forward to hearing from you soon!