New Member
1 Message
Same old disconnects, same old customer support...same old Comcast
I have had intermittent connection issues for years, but since Comcast is the only game in town, I'm stuck with them. I have made some progress on getting this issue diagnosed in the past, but without fail, the tickets get closed an no one ever follows up. My last ticket was closed without contacting me because an unrelated bit of maintenance was apparently completed in my area. Since the tech didn't see any signal issues on my line at that exact moment, he went ahead and closed my ticket. This was someone from the 'protention' team, which is apparently as high as we customers can get - not that we can contact them directly.
I cannot call their T2 techs, or email them, or instantiate contact in any way.
I cannot see any information about any of my tickets, such as comments, who's handling it, etc.
Every single time I actaully DO speak to someone, I have to explain the entire situation from scratch, because they either will not or can not read the history of the ticket - or maybe they just don't actually log any notes, it's not like their customers can tell one way or the other.
The upware marketplace sure looks pretty, though. /s
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
Problem solver
305 Messages
9 years ago
Take a look at this post and then follow up with the information.
Worst case we can give you some insight into your problem and give you some tips on how to interface with Comcast to get this resolved.