New Contributor
3 Messages
Hooking up different internet gateway
I have a SMC internet gateway which I bought and would like to get hooked up to replace the one currently being rented from Comcast. When I tried to hook it up it received an IP in a subnet completely different from the static IP subnet I should have. Do I need to call in with the MAC address of the new gateway in order for it to work correctly?
Official Employee
869 Messages
10 years ago
Hello joeyea323,
Along with the information provided by VBSSP-RICH, I also wanted to add that if you are currently using any static ip's they cannot be added to your own modem. Comcast does not allow the configuration of fixed Static IP addresses onto non Comcast equipment. Please let us know if you have any more questions.
Thank you agian VBSSP-RICH, we always appreciate your contributions!
1.4K Messages
10 years ago
Hello joeyea323 and welcome,
Yes, you need to contact Comcast @ 800-391-3000 and speak to a technical rep. who can have your customer owned modem added to you account. It will require the modem model number, serial no. and MAC address to be provided. Also make sure it is a supported Comcast modem @ using the business speed tier that you have.
Hope this helps you out
New Contributor
3 Messages
10 years ago
The gateway I'm putting in is the same model as the one currently runing. I had to buy it from Comcast after a move because I couldn't return it to a local store in the city we moved from. I'm pushing to get this installed now because I didn't see the point of paying for a rental fee especially since it was recently raised to $13 a month and yet I received no new hardware.