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Friday, October 20th, 2023 9:49 PM


Business Internet is down a LOT lately

Mine is down right now, the dashboard won't even load on a secondary connection. It looks like an error 500 from a rails application. What's worse is my internet is down constantly: second time this week, several times in the last 2 months, and many times this year. I'm calling ATT this weekend to see what they can do better. Nobody is ever able to do anything other than send a tech out, which costs money, or tell me that it's my internal network, when it's not, because the issue is spontaneous and persists even without routing hardware attached. This is unacceptable.

I'm very flustered that my internet is paid promptly every month, yet my connection is not business grade by any interpretation of the words, and any time I AM able to get in touch with someone I'm told my options are: Believe the falsehood that it's my internal network when I've ruled that out, or pay $150 to get a tech out here to tell me there's nothing they can do, because the issue magically is fixed before they get here.

4 hours down per day is -not- acceptable. This will be my business's last year with Comcast Business.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

My Comcast Business is down too often, CB account dashboard is unable to load

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