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Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 7:32 PM

5Ghz private wifi channel keeps dropping out - 2.4Ghz and wired unaffected

Since we started with Comcast Business (years now), our 5Ghz keeps dropping out to the point we don't even use it anymore.  We've been through NUMEROUS routers and now have a beast of a router (way more than our tiny shop needs) BUT, 5Ghz still keeps dropping out.  The entire time, 2.4hz and wired signals have been unaffected, JUST the 5Ghz band.  Now that we're busier and have a few more devices, we're noticing it affect the 2.4 line since we DON'T have a 5 line.

Some TEMPORARY workarounds we've used in the past... key word, temporary.  Turning 5Ghz channel on and off via account controls sometimes makes it work for a bit.  Changing the name of the 5Ghz channel sometimes works when just turning it off/on doesn't work.  Sometimes these will work for hours, days or weeks but they ALWAYS fail.

Even the NUMEROUS technicians sent out have not figured it out.  (The one guys has been here over 5 times.)  They even sent out the service manager (that's how we got the beefy router).  No one has heard of this before or can figure it out.  (Losing 2.4 but keeping 5 is usually the issue, never the opposite.)

Gold Problem solver


49 Messages

3 years ago

Hi, user_13c635. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to create a post here in our Forum Community. You're in a great place for support! It sounds like a pretty frustrating journey you've been on with that 5 GHz network! I do want to let you know that devices that are father away from the modem are not intended/fully compatible with the 5 GHz network. It's really meant for stationary devices that are within closer proximity to the modem. While the band runs on a higher frequency and is extra strong while within range, that does decrease with distance. I'm not sure what your exact setup looks like, but does this seem what might be causing some of the trouble with your equipment when it's attached to the 5 network?

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3 years ago

Thanks for getting back quickly Morgan.

I can guarantee you it's not a distance thing.  My computer is on the same desk as the router.  WHEN 5G works, it's solid on all devices even out to our cars.  We have a pretty small shop (2000 sq ft?) with no inner walls except the bathroom.

Here's our usual device setup...

Wired to the router:

My design station computer is wired it to the router (used to be wifi) as it runs our machines and an outage can ruin a production run.  Our large format printer is also wired to the router (required).


We have 1 to 2 laptops, a wifi desktop printer (used by everyone), and 2-6 phones/ipads running on our network depending on the day (usually just email and phone calls).  Oh, and we have a security camera through Comcast that's little box sits next to the router.

We used to have the computers and iPads on 5Ghz and the phones/printer on the 2.4Ghz but now we're all on 2.4 and sometimes that affects our speed.  (i.e. lunchtime today, our bookkeeper was in, extra production helper was in, boss's wife was in, boss's dog was in, lol!)  When we first got Comcast Business, the two channels prevented that from ever being an issue.

OH, and our POS system requires a secure internet connection so if 5Ghz goes out while that laptop is on it, the POS system crashes.  (I think i reset everyone's devices to automatically connect to 2.4Ghz now.)

Gold Problem solver


49 Messages

Thank you for the extra details, they help a ton! Super cool the pupper is allowed in the shop, BTW! 


Is there any consistency with certain days or certain times of day that you experience problems with the 5 network, or is it completely random?

I no longer work for Comcast

New Contributor


1 Message

2 years ago

We have the same problem with the 5G WiFi. We've had 4 different modems and it drops constantly at 3-5pm every day. Comcast tech suggested putting everyone on the 2.5G and haven't had an issue. I sit 50 feet when connected to the 5G, but it drops daily.

Pay for high speed but can't use it. We will address it again when we can be temporarily down for a tech.

Official Employee


33 Messages

Hi, @user_725652. Are you noticing the drops when you're a certain distance away, with a specific device or just the only consistent thing is the 3-5 timeframe? 

New Contributor


3 Messages

2 years ago

I feel your pain.  It's STILL not fixed.  Thinking of switching to Verizon to not have to deal with it anymore.

A rep called to try to switch our cell phones to Comcast and I mentioned this.  He looked into it, tried resetting the 5Ghz channel from his end and... IT WORKED!  for a few days.  :(  I came in one day after and couldn't get our POS program to start.  Finally realized the 5Ghz channel was back out again.  So WE DON'T USE IT ANYMORE.  I really should ask for bill credits.

Oh, and they gave us an enterprise class router since the other modems all burnt out over the years.  They don't know why that happens either.  Since the new fancy one, we've not had a problem with the modem unless it's a Comcast network issue.  (i.e. area outage)  So it doesn't appear to be the router.

The computer i want to connect to 5Ghz is only 10-12' from the router.  I should dig out an old Cat5 cable.