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Thursday, December 9th, 2021 3:44 PM

Voice Edge Select, [Edited: "Language"] quality of outgoing greeting message

We had our outgoing voicemail greeting professional recording. The file sound perfect. When we upload to Comcast Business, it sounds horrible. The quality is terrible. I have seen numerous reports of this issue with no resolution, unfortunately not before paying for the service. Please advice. They sent lower quality files, we've tried record the message using the playback. Nothing has worked! Please advise.

Official Employee


25 Messages

3 years ago

Hey there! Hate to hear that your professionally recorded voicemail message is not working. I can certainly assist with the quality of your recording. Do you by chance know the size of the WAV file you're uploading? This should be a mono recording, not stereo. It also should be 8-bit only.

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@Comcast_Sheila just confirmed... it is a mono recording! Its a mp3 with 48,000 hz, 32 bit.

Official Employee


277 Messages

@user_239714 Thank you for confirming what type of file you are using. We will be happy to take the right actions to help. Let’s take a closer look at your account. When you have a second send a Direct Message that incudes your name, service address and your account number. (Or phone number listed on the account) You should see a Direct Message icon at the top of the page. 

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@Comcast_JosephA Hi there! For some reason when I try and send you a direct message, your name does not come up. JosephB and JosephS, but no JosephA. Please advise.


Official Employee


25 Messages

I am sorry about the trouble. Here are some step by step instructions to send the requested information:


  • Click "Sign In" if necessary

  • Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon 

  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

  • The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support"

      there. As you are typing a drop-down list appears.

  • Select "Xfinity Support" from that list. An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line.

  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

  • Press Enter to send it