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JGAccurate's profile

New problem solver


6 Messages

Thursday, February 20th, 2014 9:00 AM

Line issues? Dropped calls, unvailables

Lately, I'd say within the past month, we've been having on and off issues with calls being dropped. Normally we chalk it up to the customer losing reception on their end, but we've had some strange occurances. For example: two customers on hold both dropping simultaneously. We've also had two reports of a customer calling in and immediately getting a "this number is unavailable", only to dial back moments later and get through.


Are these common issues that can be easily troubleshooted on my end? Or at least diagnosed?


Is there any sort of service available to alert us when the phones are down or not working properly?

Accepted Solution

New problem solver


6 Messages

11 years ago

Still no word on this.

Retired Employee


1.9K Messages

11 years ago

HI JGAccurate. We have engaged the Enterprise Support Team to address this issue.  

Thank You

New problem solver


6 Messages

11 years ago

I'm not sure what that means. Should I expect a message? A reply here? Anything?

New problem solver


6 Messages

11 years ago

Why is this still going ignored?



2 Messages

9 years ago

We are having the same issues! This has been since early to mid April.  Customers are being dropped during transfer repetively.


Is there a software update or something that we need to install?

New Contributor


3 Messages

8 years ago

We keep getting "System Unavailable". Automated messages on our business line which is causing loss of business. Customers, especially new clients think our business has closed and are going elsewhere. This has been going on for months, maybe even a year. My business is suffering and I need help. Saturday we experienced this a rep came out and installed a new modem for the phone. Was thorough and helpful. Today it happened again. Should I take my business elsewhere since this problem is consistently happening? This not only happens when a customer tries to call in but also happens on our phone when we try to retrieve our messages.

Gold Problem solver


575 Messages

8 years ago

Hello Ane and welcome to forums,


I apologize for all the frustration this is causing you and would like to do my best to help. do you recall the last time the voice equipment was power cycled? Do you notice if you are having internet connection issues around the time that the phone issue occurs? Do you have a PBX system routing your calls or do you only use the Comcast voice equipment? Are you able to note the phone numbers of the calls having issue connecting? Are all calls from certain numbers not coming through or just intermittent calls being missed? Please provide me with more details so I can assist.


(If you do have example numbers please send them to me via private message for your account safety. Thank You)

New Member


1 Message

5 years ago

For the last few months we have been having dropped calls in the middle of conversations, callers that call in and we can hear them but they cannot hear us. It is with diffrent numbers and phones in our office.  Also it happens with different customers that call in.

We have been through tech support with no fix in site.  We have jumped through all the hoops and are very frustrated. We are very close to going with someone else for our service as this is a business phone and we are losing customers due to this. No internet connection issues during these times.

Gold Problem solver


421 Messages

5 years ago

Oh goodness, that sounds really frustrating and I'm really sorry to hear that this has been ongoing for so long. Please click on my handle (Comcast_Gina) and send a private message with your name, the business name, the complete service address (including city, state, ZIP, suite number, etc), and the phone or account number to verify the account, and any other pertinent details so we can work on getting this resolved. 



1 Message

5 years ago

We too have a Comcast Business Voice system that has been unreliable since it was installed 3 years ago. Dropped calls, lost transfers, no ring incoming and MANY customer complaints. Literally days on the phone with support and, as seen in the responses above, it's always something that we are doing wrong. Not enough lines - bought more. Controller too small, upgraded. Internet bad - Comcast leased fibre optic lines. Reception phone wrong model wrong - replaced. Do we see that the system that Comcast specified and installed is always what's wrong and it's our fault?

And then the frustrating beyond belief questions "what number was calling" THE CALL DROPPED - HOW DO WE KNOW?, When did it happen? - ALL OF THE TIME, What extension was the dropped transfer to and when - ip sec. And then, look at your contract. Comcast has NO obligation for the system to function at all. I am having our legal counsel respond on whether that is even a legal provision in Colorado.

Problem solver


348 Messages

5 years ago

Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to the Digital Care Team here through the forums. I am so sorry to see that you are having issues with your business voice edge system as this is not what we strive for. You have reached the right team to help make sure we get this taken care of. Can you please send us a private message with your name, the full address, and the account number? 

New Contributor


1 Message

4 years ago

We've been really unhappy with the phone system ever since we converted to a multi-line system about a year ago. Lately, however, we've been having even more dropped calls than usual, and now multiple lines become extremely staticky midway through almost every call. Also, when our receptionist transfers calls to us, the caller never hears us pick up the line and say "hello". Based on this forum, I gather that these sort issues are somewhat common, and not easily resolved.

Official Employee


55 Messages

Hello @user_a3fddd and thank you! I really appreciate you being a member of the Comcast Family! Please create an original public post so that we can assist you further. 

New Contributor


2 Messages

3 years ago

I'm also a comcast business customer and have two phone lines.  We just experienced both phone lines dropping calls at the same time.  It's comcast business not your caller fault.

New Contributor


2 Messages

3 years ago

Comcast business is dropping our customers also.  We thought it was the callers fault.  But we had calls going on two lines at the same time and both calls dropped.  Also, when we call someone they tell us that there caller ID says something different than our company name.  Once our contract is up we are looking at just getting internet from Comcast Business and hiring a VOIP company to handle our phone systems.

New Contributor


2 Messages

2 years ago

We switched to Comcast Business VoiceEdge and have had consistent issues with transfer calls from our reception desk being dropped or unable to transfer.  I've contacted Comcast numerous times, they sent a tech out and he found no issues, and while the issues have decreased in frequency we continue to have the exact same issues.   I'm not sure what to do at this point as nothing Comcast has done has helped.

New problem solver


39 Messages

Oh no @user_af91f1, I can't imagine the headache this has caused you and the employees attempting to transfer calls. Certainly this is not the experience we would hope you have had. Our team would be happy to investigate and try some troubleshooting from our end if you have a little time. 


Please send us a direct message (instructions below). We can always circle back around to the public page once we have found a solution. 


Click "Sign In" if necessary

Click the "Direct Messaging" icon:


Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Comcast Business" there

- As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Comcast Business" from that list

- An "Comcast Business" graphic replaces the "To:" line

Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

Press Enter to send it"


I look forward to hearing from you. 


I no longer work for Comcast.