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7 Messages

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 11:00 AM

Does Comcast sell your telephone number and address to 3rd parties

Every since I transferred my number to Comcast Business, I have been received unwanted commercial and political calls to the extreme. I nver had this problem before. Also I get more mail ads. I know it is from Comcast becasuse they had my company name wrong and it took 6 months or more to get the name straight. All the ads are sent to this incorrect business name. I am tired of getting all these calls. Has any one else experienced this?

Accepted Solution

New problem solver


9 Messages

10 years ago



I do not believe that was the question asked is it? This user is asking if Comcast sells our contact information, which in their case it would appear that they do.


If they want to sell my Business Account contact info, then they can reduce my bill or send me a percentage IMHO, but please don't divert the question by telling them how the paying cutstomer can do more work to try to remedy the problems that Comcast has caused by apparently releasing said information.


As to your remedy though, great they can block a whole 12 numbers, what good is that when your number essentially goes through numerous telemarketer databases? If Comcast wants to sell our information, then they should pay us to have to deal with, or block the calls and e-mails, as well as giving us the tools to block unlimited numbers and partial numbers.


Why is it again that we pay more for business service only to have less freedom and tools than residential customers?



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello jwhllc and welcome,


Comcast telephone has this call blocking feature that you can populate to stop any call from ringing on your phone whether it has or has not any caller ID information. 


As far as not receiving mail or emails you can use this link  to remedy this situation.


Hope this helps you out.

New Contributor


3 Messages

7 years ago

I am having the same problem and just asked about it today. I used to be with AT&T I never had this problem. We switch to Comcast voice over Internet last June and this is a constant issue. It is a pain to have to block all these phone calls and very time consuming. Please let me know if you have found a solution to this problem. Good luck.