3 Messages
Automated portion of outgoing message has period of silence - I am losing clients!!
After my custom outgonig message, the automated voice tells the caller to leave a message at the tone... then there is a period of multiple seconds of silence before the auotmated voice continues and the beep is heard. Clients are hanging up during the slience and I am losing clients. I need to know how to disable the automated part of the outgoing message.
1.4K Messages
9 years ago
Hello teresapagliaro and welcome,
Your "custom outgoing message" is referred to as your personal greeting that you must set up within your voice mail box. Your "automated voice" is referred to as the system greeting and is usually only played when a voice mail box has not been programmed with the personal greeting. Apparently you have both the system and personal greeting both activated.
You will need to log into your Digial Voice Center, clicking the Business Class Portal. Manage Services. Phone link, logging into the telephone number that the voice mail is contained within, select messaging then disabling the system greeting and only insure that the personal greeting is selected.
This should enable you to turn off the system message and only allow your personal greeting to play when customer's access your voice mail.
3 Messages
9 years ago
I use to manage my voicemails. There is no option to select "messaging" on that. Please help.
3 Messages
9 years ago
There is no option to select "messaging" when I log into the voicemail page. Please help. I need to get this changed ASAP!!
New Member
1 Message
9 years ago
I believe that the initial question by teresapagliaro was why is there a 4-5 second delay before the computer voice says to record after the beep. We also experience that happening after the incoming calls hear my recorded message and many start leaving their message before being told to wait for the beep due to that delay. Your reply addressed only the name of the greeting not how to fix the delay before the beep. Please advise if there is any way that can be changed. Thank you.