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August 11th, 2019

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1 year ago

Looking for rack mounting brackets for the CBR-T CGA4131. We use these modems at many locations - on our first install the technician grabbed a set of these rack mounts from the van and installed it for us. Ever since then the techs have never heard of or seen this hardware, and none of the customer

replied to a comment on 's post

1 year ago

Looking for rack mounting brackets for the CBR-T CGA4131. We use these modems at many locations - on our first install the technician grabbed a set of these rack mounts from the van and installed it for us. Ever since then the techs have never heard of or seen this hardware, and none of the customer

Hey @TheYPSI I am bummed to hear you're having trouble getting a hold of a mounting rack with your devices. I know how important they are! Did our tech mention dropping them off or have them shipped to you? It seems that it isn't something we usually

joined community.

August 11, 2019