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February 27th, 2013

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commented on 's post

12 years ago

We run and online gaming business from our home.  To ensure proper speed and bandwidth. We upgraded to Comcast Business Class (expensive).  For the past two nights between 9:30 and 10:30 pm central time, we had several hundred customer online when we started to drop frames.  Within 60 seconds, the c

testing madhu

commented on 's post

12 years ago

All of a sudden (for the past 3 days) our Business Class Internet has been VERY slow.  Ran speed tests and found numbers on upload are way down from normal.Called customer service.  Was told that actually our numbers were up for what we're paying for.  Business Class has always been touted as being

patch testing on 28/02/2013

commented on 's post

12 years ago

I am having a continuous connection issue between my employees that are local Comcast home customers and the office that has Comcast Biz. Other employees with other ISP can access and Comcast 800 help, can access from their location. The software company (they access from Toronto with no issue) that

comments added by madhu

joined community.

February 27, 2013

commented on 's post

12 years ago

I am having a continuous connection issue between my employees that are local Comcast home customers and the office that has Comcast Biz. Other employees with other ISP can access and Comcast 800 help, can access from their location. The software company (they access from Toronto with no issue) that

testing o post